Dead man on the floor of a lavatory in a Neapolitan hospital, increasingly dramatic conditions not only in Belgian and French hospitals but also in Italian hospitals



According to the Hungarian Nation report, many hospitals in Italy have the same conditions as in the spring, that is: corpses lying on the ground, crowded hospitals, deathly tired doctors and nurses. This time, however, the situation is not the worst, not in the north of the country, but in the south, especially in Naples.

An old man lies dead on the bathroom floor. A woman lies in her own urine on a stretcher. Another impotent woman – recordings of the Covid room of the Antonio Cardarelli Hospital in Naples, shared by a patient on his community site.

The recordings caused a great storm in Italy: some were outraged by the state of health, others by the violation of piety.
He was in the same room as me. He didn’t come out of the bathroom, so I went after him. He couldn’t even breathe due to the virus. I splashed some water on her face and asked her for help, but no one cared about me. They only arrived half an hour later, when he was already dead.– Italian news agency ANSA caught up with the creator of the video.

The 30-year-old Neapolitan said he wanted to draw attention to what was happening in hospitals, so he uploaded the recording to Facebook. Later, the Italian press revealed that the deceased was an 84-year-old man who suffered from a number of other chronic illnesses, his death may have been caused by a heart attack.

According to data from Wednesday

52 percent of all hospital beds are already occupied by Covid-infected, well above the projected 40 percent. Infected people simply have nowhere to receive treatment, they already get oxygen in their own cars.

Several hotels have been quarantined, and in the absence of tourists, patients have been placed in rooms at the expense of the municipality. This will also relieve hospitals and help the tourism sector. But these are just desperate attempts, the biggest problem is that there are not enough doctors and nurses to care for those in need.Either we stop the virus or it will stop us because, by all indications, the system will not last Filippo Anelli, president of the Italian Medical Association, complained, demanding the total closure of the country.

In the video below you can see a foil safe “cuddle room” in one of the nursing homes in Northern Italy.

According to statistics, the situation is more serious than in the first wave. On Friday 40,902 new infections were registered and 550 deaths were registered. Although the number of daily deaths was higher in the spring than that of those infected, the April record was 6,554. By Wednesday, all cases had already crossed the million mark and those infected were 600,000, meaning that one percent of Italy’s population of 60 million is sick.


In Spain, some 20,000 people currently need hospital treatment for diseases related to the coronavirus, which represents 16 percent of the healthcare capacity. More than 3000 patients need intensive care, the proportion of COVID patients in these wards averaged 32 percent.

In most regions, the workload is above average. The situation is more serious in Catalonia, Castilla y León and Murcia.

A patient who had already recovered was interviewed a few days ago at the COVID Hospital of the center of the same name in the Region of Murcia. According to the local press he’s like a Vietnam Veteran.

All surgeries that do not save lives in the hospital of the city of Burgos, Castilla, have been suspended since November 10 because the hospital’s coronavirus room has become saturated and it is necessary to deliver additional places to patients with coronavirus. The mayor of the city, Daniel de la Rosa, told El Mundo on November 14 about the coronavirus situation. He said that the situation has not improved, with 175 new infections registered in Burgos in the last 7 days for every 175 thousand people. He added that due to the epidemic, practically all public institutions in the city were closed, including the famous Burgos cathedral.
The shortage of doctors and nurses is also a common problem in Spain.

Spain has the fourth most infected state for every million people, but the second highest in terms of deaths and the fifth worldwide.


The biggest problem in Belgium is the lack of doctors and nurses, as well as the shortage of ventilators and the professionals who handle them. That is why they have been hiring unskilled volunteers to perform nursing duties.

Soldier with a coronavirus-infected patient at Andre Vesale Hospital in Charleroi, Belgium, on November 13, 2020.Source: MTI / AP / Olivier Matthys

Due to the lack of hospital accommodation, the transport of coronavirus patients to Germany began.

According to a BBC report from the end of October, a third of the staff at Liège’s COVID hospital were infected, but were asked by the institution’s management to return to work if they did not show symptoms by the end of October. As there are few hospital beds in the country, this is solved with non-life-saving surgeries are postponed to free up positions.

Between November 5 and 11, an average of 520 people were hospitalized per day, reports the Brussels Times. The positivity rate for tests performed during this period was 23.7 percent.

Belgium remains the fourth most infected country in the world and the first in the EU. It is the second largest in the world in terms of coronavirus-related deaths and the first in the EU.


The biggest problem in France is the lack of qualified health personnel and the lack of hospital beds. According to an article by Deutsche Welle, this is currently being addressed in a way that that patients are being transferred from the eastern part of the country to Germany. In Germany, the number of doctors and nurses per capita and the number of hospital beds are much higher.

On Friday, 4,887 patients were admitted to the intensive care unit in France due to a coronavirus-related illness.

Coronavirus patient in a Paris hospital on November 12, 2020.Source: AFP / Thomas Samson

Almost 3,000 patients have been admitted in the last 24 hours and the test’s positivity rate is 17.7 percent. Experts expect the peak in the second half of November.


Introducing additional measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus, including The President of the Istanbul Medical Chamber calls on the Turkish government to close shopping malls and schools MTI said. Osman Kücükosmanoglu warned that Istanbul is already operating at full capacity in several health institutions and health workers are very busy.

In May, two hospitals, each with a thousand beds, designated in Istanbul to receive Covid-19 patients were filled. In the roughly 70 public hospitals operating in the Turkish metropolis, more and more beds are being released for newly arrived coronavirus-infected people.

The Turkish health minister said that the country is currently occupied by 70 percent of intensive beds.

According to doctors cited by the German news agency dpa, this probably means that the intensive care units of public hospitals are essentially full, and the capacity of private institutions must already be used.

Based on the opinion of the President of the Istanbul Medical Chamber it would be time to reintroduce curfew restrictions in much of Turkey.

In Turkey, with a population of 83 million, 408,000 coronavirus infections have been recorded so far, according to official figures.

Sibiu is bribed

The most serious epidemiological situation has developed in Romania, and in Transylvania in particular, in the city of Sibiu, the infection rate exceeded 11 per 1,000 inhabitants. In general, this rate is 7.78 per thousand in Sibiu County. With this, both the county and the county seat are on the podium. That is why Interior Minister Raed Arafat announced on Friday that 170,000 Sibiu and 3 nearby settlements, Nagytalmács, Sellenberk and Nagydisznód, will be bribed for two weeks starting Monday. writes the news portal G4Media.

SibiuSource: via AFP / PASQUINI Cedric / Cedric / Hemis.Fr

In 4 settlements, small shops must close at 8pm instead of the nationally prescribed 9pm, and a shopping bar will be introduced between 10am and 1pm, only people over 65 can go to stores in this range. People under 65 can go shopping between 6 and 10 hours and between 13 and 20 hours, respectively. The restaurant terraces are closed (the interiors have not been able to receive guests for weeks – ed.). Large shopping centers may only be open on weekdays, but with an abbreviated schedule. Specific opening intervals for shortened programs have not yet been announced. Churches cannot worship at all, but outside of this it is allowed, with the use of masks.
An exit ban will be introduced between 6 a.m. M. And 10 p.m. M., You can only go to work, to the doctor or to the pharmacy, but this must be confirmed by a document. When it comes to education, all 4 settlements have switched to online education at home in the past.

According to media reports, it is conceivable that Timisoara, Gyulafehérvár and Balázsfalva will also be on bail in the near future.
