De Major, or the stolen opera books



Sweet aunt

I just have to interrupt my well-designed miniseries in the great closings of the Opera, which I would be “terribly” excited about this, I write: three of them occurred in 136 years (then there are two parts left), this is the fourth now, because the week After a story, a video that you should comment on appeared in the press, so the stolen books from the Opera are at home, right?

Chief Memorial, and when the Memorial is main

In October 2015, a London merchant saw scratched stamps on old books. The Royal Hungarian Opera House was once in them. At that time, keeping the material on sale, he marked the Pest Opera, including Márton Karczag. Then Scotland Yard, but let’s not go any further.

Source: Tamás Menczer / Facebook

Marci is the main custodian of the Opera. The title perhaps smiles, it always reminds me of the patina of the institution entrusted to our care. This patina will be 136 years old this fall, but with good reason we can count our existence more since the opening of the “common” National Theater, and even the Hungarian Theater of Pest in 1837, from the beginning of the performance of the institutional Hungarian opera from there. and the effort, and, of course, the inevitable hierarchy of operational organizations, also produced leadership titles that underscored the rights and responsibilities of a post from chief gatekeeper to chief warden to secretary general and chief executive officer. These are not new to anyone, they are still in daily use in hotels and institutions anywhere.But there are thousands of other workspaces in a theater, and even in addition to the main illustrator known by the cinematographic vocabulary, to start this new enlightening sentence with he, a thousand apologies: the main assistant, the main painter and yes, the monument is part of the history of the Opera. Litigation Also, as we sometimes do with others, so-called storage managers: memorial storage manager, but for me and perhaps more for you, the title memorial storage strongly expresses our world, which is strongly defined by our past.

One of the stolen booksSource: Hungarian State Opera

From the happy ground zero of a new institution, many tasks grew for him during the human years: in addition to the posters, program sheets, and publications collected from 1884, the preservation and enrichment of the Memorial Archive, founded under Miklós Radnai’s own administration. Sometimes the headstones have to be erected or cultivated, this is one end of the job and the other is the Opera DigiTar, which we have been spending since 2013 and a public beta of 130 years of history since September (every detail of every performance by opera house, Erkel theater and castle theater, millions of facts!), and to reopen Opera not only helps us finish, but you can also get a new outfit.

But there are also a number of other tasks. Sculptures, legacies, letters, sheet music from museums, memories that must be known, seen, bought, ordered, theoretically placed in the history of the institution, written and exhibited. (The latter has only been a problem for a hundred years, because there is nowhere, while Scala and other opera houses have small, not large, small museums. We are now pushing for the smaller major projects planned for the renovation of the Opera does not fail during the crisis …) And there is the Museum and the Scenic Library …

Scratched opera sealSource: Hungarian State Opera

So he was there when a letter from Marci had reached me for almost five years saying that a certain London antique shop had called him up and informed him that he had found scratched opera stamps in some of the valuable volumes offered for sale and I was wondering if I could see what you see? The head of the monument cooked. Of course, they immediately began to take stock of the calls. scenic material from the library, thousands of volumes, because both the photograph of the honest British goodman and the title of the works showed, in fact, these are our treasures. We confirmed the suspicion, we made the report: the antique dealer did the same. However, who could have stolen the hundreds of years of London Opera volumes?

Source: Tamás Menczer / Facebook

Where does the Dutch land come from?

By 2015, ballet director Tamás Solymosi already felt quite prepared for our significantly remodeled, expanded, and rejuvenated ensemble to organize the no-plus ultrasound of the ballets, of course, in a new exhibition. Swan Lake was prepared to be staged with the vision of a famous Dutch choreographer, Rudi van Dantzig: in the case of classical ballets, prehistoric choreography is the dance itself, so although it is not clear to many , there is “something” to suit the music. In the ballets of Tchaikovsky’s history in general, the idea of ​​twenty-year-old Marius Petipa is the starting point (although in this first Tchaikovsky ballet he is not the original artist but another artist, but origin), this has more shape, is more technical, more difficult, more expressive, more current, more appropriate for the given artists.

The inside cover of the second stolen book.Source: Hungarian State Opera

According to international practice, we deduct the royalty from the version, for which we can create a scenic environment, but also that there is a concept of fine arts adapted to the law (we obtain and establish designs in Hungarian). The latter worked for Swan Lake: the drawings of the great icon van van Dantzig, who died a few years earlier, and the much younger Toer van Schayk, who switched his dance career to the fine arts at the age of twenty, had authority . It’s pretty obvious that a deceased choreographer couldn’t teach anything, but the rights manager for the great living Mughals also sends out ballet masters at those times, and the designer, if a name is known, especially assistants who supervise production at the site.

Source: Tamás Menczer / Facebook

But they are great gentlemen: the instructional ballet teacher, who is licensed to apply the creator’s intention to the particular ensemble and place, also licenses those members of the company who think they can dance for specific roles on the job. The ballet director can stay there, can make suggestions, but in the end the ballet master decides who will take the stage and who can be a replacement if he jumps and crashes in other performances in the series, which is not uncommon in ballet. competitive. The designer’s assistant is similar: it adapts, to be able to comment on everything, it can fly the specialists of the respective opera with its kindness and flexibility, but it can also make their lives bitter for a month or two by combing them.

The secret of the brown bag.

Our workshop: this is a collective word, we really mean a series of factories, as there are several workshops for sewing, tailoring, carpentry and locksmithing and painting and sculpture, but also workshops for hats, shoemakers, upholstery and wigs within the Opera. As far as our production, “Our workshop” is reputable and even excellent, I can say this without prejudice, because it is not good from the directors, but from the commitment. It has been and still is. The Scenic Library is the designers and With the intention of helping the work of the manufacturing colleagues, he stayed here from the time he had to unearth large national collections, copy them into manuals due to authentic decoration, a precise redesign of an item in style, and who has time, always leaving work there? , our ancestors could say.

The third stolen book.Source: Hungarian State Opera

According to an earlier article by Marci Karczag, the exact origin of her own library is hazy, but Count István Keglevich, a two-man knight who has been mayor of the theaters of heads of state for a total of six years, could lay the bases at the beginning of the century. So-called meiningenism, so even under the magnifying glass, he recognized the trend of an ancient theatrical medium and bought music and costume history books to help with the job. A series of heraldic and art history albums were also added to the Opera, some of which were already a rarity at the time, more than a hundred years ago. Later, in the winter of 1956, the specialized library of Gusztáv Oláh, an artist of the time who died suddenly and without a true heir in Munich, ended up here, on the scene of his beloved opera. At least a thousand volumes in fourteen cabinets: I remember when in my first opera period Attila Csikós, lead designer, had lots of luxurious atlases and fine-grained books, but other times, twenty years ago, the Internet had not played such a role. important in our lives.

Source: Tamás Menczer / Facebook

Here’s the story: The Dutchman, who arrives as assistant to designer Van Schayk, a certain Ruud Lutgens, reflected on the design plans so much that he sometimes even stayed in the house over the weekend, normal and very European! – Due to our confidence, it may have been the key to the stage office. He was carrying a large brown bag, bringing with him problems and solutions. Then he seems to have taken rather than brought … He selected the most valuable ones with a “good” sense, as you can see in the news, Erb-Huldigung: Effigies Ducum et Regum Hungariae and the volume market entitled Les Peuples de la Russie its value is approximately 40 million forints, but its ideological value is invaluable.

My aunt, don’t think we don’t do an inventory, we have a separate group for it, Opera’s movables are billions too, but obviously we do it on a set schedule, not after every foreign colleague visit. A few months had passed since the premiere of the beautiful performance of Swan Lake, and after the antiquarian, the British police also got involved because the Dutch colleague might have needed money from the Hungarian state soon.

Nothing will be the same

We didn’t beat a big drum, maybe aunt understands, the thief is on the hook too, thankfully. In any case, it is not very encouraging to steal from a person, even if, among other things, we have closed the Opera to correct it, because the XXI. In addition to fire alarm, internet connection, wifi, telephone space or air conditioning, the technical standard of the 20th century includes the security camera system and the operating stage equipment. Since these ukmukfukk should not be installed on a monument, it is not really convenient (everything has to be drilled or the wireless solutions fail due to the thick walls), and it is also expensive. That is why we embarked on the great adventure, the partial modernization of the Ybl Palace, which, no matter how, turned into a complete renovation: the good side we are seeing now will be beautiful, and I hope that one day we will reach the end. .

Source: Tamás Menczer / Facebook

I don’t want to sound like a dishonestly beautiful soul, but I really don’t understand thefts. Our society has been built on teaching for thousands of years so as not to take property from others. There was also a large closet in the director’s room, containing hundreds of volumes (now disassembled in a warehouse). I spent years in that office, even at the time of Miklós Szinetár I was able to model his spines at times, passed out because I knew Radnai’s 1925 photo, and the big glass cabinet was already there, loaded with books in the same way. That cabinet itself, the root system, along with the first edgeboard, is truly an unusual historical pillar of our Opera.

Scratched stampSource: Hungarian State Opera

I received many guests there, many viewing the ornate volumes as much as I did before. Among which there were others, further, I discovered over the years. But bring something home? It doesn’t even become a person’s mind. I only have two sins, the biggest: of the volumes of the labor movement put on the junk list by inventories, as in all long-established institutions, such were hidden here and there, I gave one to Tibor Navracsics and the other to András Schiffer. But they are also only because 1., I like, if someone, even a politician comes alone to the Opera, 2., a total of five identical copies of Árpád Szakasits’ collection of speeches were waiting for their fate (so we still have three in one of the boxes filled today, because I can’t throw away a book and sheet music), 3. the latter’s innocent family ties are known in relation to the former president and the movement.

Source: Tamás Menczer / Facebook

Like other athletes, it would be much more difficult to cooperate without trust. I think I am very sorry, this trust faded both on the morning of October 2015 on the London phone and the coronavirus epidemic among us. the world of handshakes, closer movements, muffled conversations and intimate kisses, and in this case, of course, the Dutch, of whom, of course, I am now forced to describe the presumption of innocence. despite obvious situations, confessions, evidence, even if the justice mills are slowly grinding here …

Auntie, I will send a letter about the close of the Great World War soon, because the force majeure will stop, but the focus of that writing will no longer be on a small-style thief who takes the “most important” books, but rather a genius (or seated), like Zoltán Kodály!

“Zsdú took over, kák szálávej!” And good health!

New Years Eve

May 1, 2020
