Dangerous misconception about coronavirus vaccine: specialist answers key questions – Health


There has been a misunderstanding from previously published news that coronavirus vaccination is not recommended for people with allergies. Many patients felt excluded from the vaccination cycle as more and more people had some type of allergy.

Dr. Edit Hidvégi pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, a Buddha allergy center his doctor told me what questions patients ask him most often.

Who is allergic, can receive a vaccine?

The vaccine alone is not recommended for people who have been shown to be allergic to any of the ingredients or who have already had anaphylaxis. Therefore, the vaccine can be given for all other allergies, such as pollen, food, dust mites, pets.

Who has a history of anaphylaxis? Is the vaccine safe?

Anaphylaxis can be caused by various allergies, especially allergies to food, insect venom, and medications. However, the fact that someone has previously experienced anaphylactic shock for some reason is not in itself a reason for vaccination.

Dr. Edit Hidvégi said that if someone had previously had anaphylactic shock, they had to undergo an examination after it occurred, where exactly what caused it was determined. Exclusion is due to anaphylaxis caused by any of the components of the vaccine. If the anaphylaxis was caused by someone else, the vaccine is considered safe. However, these people are vaccinated with special care in preparation for the recurrence of a possible anaphylaxis.

What happens if anaphylaxis occurs after vaccination?

Stay in the doctor’s office for 30 minutes after vaccination under the supervision of a specialist. If it occurs, symptoms of anaphylaxis will develop within this time. Choking, shortness of breath, sweating, paleness, and the appearance of edema on the face are the initial symptoms of anaphylaxis. The place of vaccination must be prepared to supply it.

The article continues after the recommender.

An effective pharmacological intervention in the treatment of anaphylaxis is the injection of epinephrine, that is, the immediate administration of adrenaline. This prevents symptoms from getting worse. With proper care, the anaphylactic reaction will clear up without any residual symptoms. Afterwards, it is recommended that you consult a professional and research exactly what caused your complaints and avoid that particular ingredient in the future.

How common is anaphylaxis after vaccination?

The incidence of anaphylaxis in connection with vaccination is very rare, according to the European Medicines Agency, both Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine, according to the American Center for Disease Prevention and Control. In the case of the latter, anaphylaxis occurred in one case of hundreds of thousands of nearly two million vaccines, 71% of which occurred within 15 minutes and were treated on site.

When does it help before taking an antihistamine?

An antihistamine works on allergy symptoms by blocking the release of histamine in the body. Therefore, it is ineffective against anaphylaxis and cannot be prevented or treated with antihistamines. In some cases, however, it may be helpful to do no harm; for example, in the case of histamine intolerance, it can help prevent local non-systemic reactions, such as redness and itching.

In short, dr. Edit Hidvégi said that those who had previously had a severe allergic reaction to one of the components of the vaccine were at risk for anaphylaxis. In your case, vaccination with a vaccine containing this ingredient is contraindicated. You can receive another coronavirus vaccine if it does not contain the anaphylactic component.

After Covid-19, it can take months for the lungs to recover – even if it was mild

Several patients with coronavirus infection report prolonged complaints. In addition to loss of sense of smell, headache, and fatigue, many have persistent shortness of breath, shortness of breath, and cough.

(Image Source: Getty Images Hungary)
