Czechs are already prescribing teenagers to hospitals


Belgium is heading for disaster

Previously, Origo also reported that Belgium currently has the highest number of infections and deaths in all of Europe, the country appears to have completely surrendered to the coronavirus epidemic and is apparently doing nothing to prevent the spread of the virus.

Experts say that the capacity of the intensive care units is nearing its end, which means that they will soon be unable to treat more serious cases or other patients.

Also, the increase in the number of cases is not decreasing at all, but a sharp increase can still be observed. There was a GP in whom nine out of ten tests were positive, compared to 30 percent a month ago. Which, of course, is not a small amount either.

IllustrationFront: AFP / Denis Charlet

Peter Fontaine, director of the association of hospitals Cliniques de l’Europe in Brussels, had previously reported a case in which a patient had died because no hospital had found a heart-lung machine necessary for surgery.

The patient was transferred to various hospitals, but could not be helped anywhere. In recent weeks, patients have been transferred from the Brussels region to the Flemish region anyway, since in the first there is no longer an empty bed. This procedure could end next week, as the latest reports show that the Flemish region has also practically run out of beds.

The ethics committee has also developed criteria to favor certain patients if a decision is to be made. Based on this, younger patients will receive help earlier than older ones, and if a decision cannot be made on the basis of age, because, for example, the state of health of the young person is extremely poor, then the first patient.

In the Czech Republic, teenagers help out in hospitals

In the Czech Republic, the government recently extended the state of emergency until November 20. Prime Minister Andrej Babis justified the decision by claiming that only then would it be possible to maintain the coronavirus precautions ordered by the government. The epidemic continues to ravage the country and one of the biggest problems is that the infection rate among retirees has already risen to 14 percent.

The situation is so bad that in six weeks the third Minister of Health has been appointed. Jan Blatny replaces Roman Prymula, who was previously photographed in a restaurant, even though he should have been quarantined at his home, meaning that even he did not comply.

IllustrationSource: Anadolu Agency via AFP / 2020 Anadolu Agency / Lukas Kabon

The country’s hospitals are also extremely overloaded, with few doctors and a significant proportion of infected healthcare workers. In some cities, there is also a need to involve teenagers. These are young people who go to vocational health school but are still high school students, so they do not have much experience in this field. There are also those who have just turned 16 but are already helping doctors in a hospital.

According to the latest reports, a thousand healthcare workers are infected with the virus every day, with a total of 15,433 already infected with the coronavirus, including three thousand doctors.

As a result, medical care has become so strained that Czechs are waiting for help from other countries and asking their own doctors working abroad to return. home.

Most hospitals no longer have free beds in the emergency department, so the Army is working on building tent hospitals in areas hardest hit by the virus. However, even if there are enough beds, there will almost certainly not be enough doctors. The Czechs are already considering calling some of the infected doctors to work, otherwise the system will completely collapse.

Troubled hospitals in Britain

On Saturday night, Boris Johnson announced that the British would reintroduce austerity measures. Restaurants, pubs and most shops are also closed. The authorities ask everyone who does not have an urgent matter not to leave home. The new measures were justified by a drastic increase in the number of new infections.

British hospitals are also developing increasingly serious problems. There are institutions that have asked the community that patients do not start when it is not a life-threatening situation, since they cannot hire new patients, they have used their full capacity. Lack of hospital beds is a recurring problem for the British, despite the fact that thousands of new beds have recently been released. However, according to experts, these places may be sold out from November.

IllustrationSource: NurPhoto via AFP / Dominika Zarzycka / NurPhoto / Dominika Zarzycka

There are not enough people left to perform the tests, the government has recently reduced the daily guideline from two million tests to one million. The public is also being asked to test the test themselves, but many are doing it incorrectly as they don’t have any training to test for coronavirus.

For the British, panic buying has once again become a surprising phenomenon in recent weeks. Many places have already run out of toilet paper, and crowded lines in front of stores are increasingly seen. The situation could be exacerbated by the tightening announced on Saturday.

In Ukraine, 70 percent of hospitals are full, and Slovenia also has serious problems

The increasingly alarming figures come from Ukraine, where there is no longer a region where hospital capacity has remained below 50%, with a total of 67.2% of the country’s hospital beds occupied. The worst is in Odessa, where 87.4% of beds are inaccessible, but the proportion also exceeds 85% in Zhytomyr and Poltava.

According to the latest news, Alexei Petrov, the Transcarpathian county governor, informed citizens on Sunday that Uzhgorod hospitals are full of seriously ill patients, so they are forced to transport the infected coronavirus to other cities.

IllustrationSource: NurPhoto via AFP / Maxym Marusenko / NurPhoto / Maxym Marusenko

In Slovenia, which has recently introduced stricter measures, the public has been informed that UKC Ljubljana is currently treating as many coronavirus patients as the total number of patients treated nationwide at the peak of the epidemic in the spring. Additionally, the epidemic is spreading rapidly in several nursing homes. One of them is located in Petrovo Brdo, where, according to 24ur, most of the 93 residents and doctors were infected.

In the Siberian hospital, the dead are taken to the basement.

Russia has also been hit by the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, and although the virus has mainly spread to larger cities such as St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kazan in the spring and summer, the situation is now bad in all cities. regions. Most hospitals report that they are full and can no longer see patients.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, currently 80 percent of hospital beds for coronavirus patients are occupied across the country, but in some regions, authorities have already completely lost control. There are also five areas where this rate is 95 percent or more.

In Novokuznetsk, a doctor recently uploaded a video showing that it is no longer possible to walk away from body bags, workers go through them. A similar situation arose in another city, the 650,000 of Barnaul. There, authorities admitted that they were actually piling the dead in hospital corridors and in the basement, but said it was because an outside company couldn’t transport them.

In Blagoveshchensk, a local journalist reported that it was necessary to queue at the morgue as many go for the remains of their dead relatives. What’s more, they can’t bury the dead either, as funeral homes are also overwhelmed.

In Omsk, a 70-year-old and an 85-year-old coronavirus patient were taken to the hospital by ambulances, however, as there were no free beds, the patients were not admitted anywhere. In the end, the paramedics stopped in front of the regional Health Ministry and protested the conditions so that the patients were still in the ambulances.
