Czech Health Minister will propose a state of emergency due to coronavirus


In the Czech Republic, Health Minister Roman Prymula will propose to the government a declaration of a state of emergency, who says this is the only way to curb the growing coronavirus epidemic.

“We definitely have to do that. We don’t have much of a chance without it. I think I will do it at the next government meeting. “

– Roman Prymula responded to to the question of whether he would request a declaration of a state of emergency due to the intensification of the coronavirus epidemic.

The Czech government declared a state of emergency on March 12, which lasted until May 17 after several extensions. The next cabinet meeting will be next Monday.

According to current regulations, the state of emergency is declared by the government for a maximum of 30 days, but it must immediately notify the House of Representatives of its decision, which confirms or repeals it.

Interior Minister Jan Hamacek, president of the national crisis team, also said on Sunday’s vitamin show on public service television that some kind of emergency should be considered because there could be problems in providing the necessary medical personnel.

The Health Minister has already indicated on Friday that a further tightening of precautionary measures is expected this week. It is mainly about restricting mounting. In another statement on Sunday, it said it would restrict participation in leisure activities to a maximum of 20 people in a few days. Details are not yet known.

In the Czech Republic, the number of severe cases that required hospital treatment for coronavirus infection increased rapidly in September. Many fear that there will be a shortage of special hospital beds with ventilators in a few weeks.

According to the latest figures from the Ministry of Health, 820 people are receiving treatment in hospitals, more than four times the figure at the beginning of the month. Doctors say that the case of 175 people is considered serious, they need a ventilator. The number of deaths caused by the coronavirus rose to 615. (MTI)

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see
