Cyberpunk 2077 – Not even censored by infamous Australian authorities


  • To put it mildly, Cyberpunk 2077 is about to be an 18+ piece
  • However, there will also be no need to censure strict Australia.
  • This was confirmed by Cuba Kutrzuba in an interview.

Cyberpunk 2077 no longer seemed like a typical family game by default, and this was only confirmed by the early age rating. For example, the CD Project RED was recently released by Brazilian authorities for a short time, rated 18+ due to drug use, death, and sexual content.

After that, of course, the question arose as to how much Cyberpunk 2077 would withstand the stomachs of the strictest censors, but it seems that the toughest controls took care of the Project RED CD as well. At least that is what can be deduced from the words of Kutrzuba from Cuba, who recently explained in an interview that Australian players will have exactly the same experience as anyone else, which means that they did not have to enter more unstable content here either. . And that’s a great weapon fact just because Australian censors are notoriously strict, let’s recall the DayZ case, where the age rating was denied because our character was able to take morphine as a pain reliever.
