Curfew restrictions: churches remain open


Masses can still be celebrated, but only according to official travel restrictions – read Monday’s statement from the Hungarian Catholic Episcopal Conference (MKPK) sent to the MTI.

They expressed it this way: “In a state of emergency declared by the coronavirus, temples are especially important as places of spiritual recharge and prayer, that is why we continue to keep our churches open.” Masses may also be celebrated, but only in accordance with official curfew restrictions. “We must act responsibly and prudently.”

The bishops pointed out that the provisions of the Catechism and the Ecclesiastical Code, according to which it is recommended to those who cannot participate in the “Eucharistic celebration” for serious reasons, “to devote sufficient time to prayer, reading the Scriptures, the Psalms, apply in the current exceptional situation by order or other prayer, meditation – individually or as a family “.

They added, “Although attending Mass is not a substitute, there are broadcasts of Masses online or on television in various places to obtain confirmation, comfort and encouragement for those who are now unable to attend Sunday and holiday Masses.” The order of mediation is constantly communicated on the surfaces of the church.

The members of the Episcopal Conference ask that anyone who feels ill “feels the duty of conscience to protect himself and others so that he sees a doctor as soon as possible and does not go to the community.”

Elderly, endangered or sick believers, as well as those who fulfill their duties, care for the sick, live with a very old or endangered person, or are in official quarantine, are released from the obligation to attend to Mass in person, and the bishops urge them to stay home. .

An exemption is also granted to all “those who feel that personal attendance at Mass is a danger to them.”

With the exception of a few exceptions, parish education and community meetings can only be conducted online.
The MKPK also asks that churches, institutions, and sacramental service in the church continue to comply with all relevant epidemiological regulations.

Parish and monastic communities continue to be encouraged to continue praying for those affected by the epidemic, maintaining the requirements of epidemiological authorities. The county bishops may make other arrangements.
