Hungarian cinema day is coming!

April 30 is the celebration of Hungarian cinema since 2018, in memory of the fact that the first Hungarian film was screened this spring, directed by Béla Zsitkovszky The dance in 1901.

This year, given the epidemic situation, the National Film Institute (NFI) organized 20 classic comedies, including Hyppolit the footmana dream cars, the most watched Hungarian film of all time Magnificent Miskáta Liliomfita Aunt Mici’s two livesa Shipwreck moviesand Boy’s mother It also makes it available online for free from April 30 for ten days. Completely renovated and digitized, it will become a symbol of socialism. The witness, one of the biggest audience hits of the 90s, a Dollybirds and a Moscow square generation of cult cinema.

In the comedies we can see the legendary faces from the Hungarian film, including Gyula Bodrogi, István Bujtor, Margit Dajka, Károly Eperjes, Cecília Esztergályos, Dezső Garas, János Guelloölgyi, Hilda Gobbi, Gyula Kobbat, András Gábor Kernarana , Zoltán Mucsi, Lajos Őze, Erzssi Pásztor, Ildikó Pécsi, Zita Perczel, Judit Pogány or Gábor Reviczky.

Hungarian classic comedies are available on from April 30 to May 10.

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Szabolcs Hajdu’s new film, Békeidő, will be released online on Thursday, but after László Vitézy criticized the title choice, Duna Tv announced a program change on Wednesday night to show the Vitézy Békeidő movie.