The deputy director learned of the decision from Facebook and called the process unworthy. Gábor Bakos-Kiss originally had a law degree and was included in the tender, which is an advantage in the evaluation.

Congratulations to Dr. Gábor Bakos-Kiss, who is the new director of the Győr National Theater since July 1, 2021

– Dr. András Csaba Dézsi, Mayor of Fidesz, posted on Facebook on Friday evening. “I accepted the proposal of the 9-member professional committee, which unanimously supported Gábor. I sincerely hope that Gábor Bakos-Kiss finds a home in Győr and, at the same time, I would like to thank Péter Forgács for his high-level artistic work in recent years, ”wrote the mayor. The professional committee was delegated by two members of the pro-government council, one member on behalf of the ministry, four from the Performing Arts Committee, whose members are appointed by the ministry, and one member each from the employees’ theater representative and the National Theater. Győr.

Gábor Bakos-Kiss Bakos-Kiss, lawyer and actor, became a member of the company of the Csokonai Theater in Debrecen during the Attila Vidnyánszky administration, and after Vidnyánszky became director of the National Theater, invited him with him. Former artistic director of the Vác Danube Bend Theater, under the administration of Márk Kis Domonkos; Little had to leave the theater prematurely because he was accused of suspicious financial transactions. He was not left without a job even after his departure: he is currently the managing director of Déryné Művészeti Nonprofit Kft., With a budget of one billion, launched by Attila Vidnyánszky, and a professor at the University of Theater and Film Arts after the change of model. Bakos-Kiss received the Jászai award in 2020.

In the director’s tender announced by the local government, it is an advantage if the applicant has a degree in law or economics.

Four applied to direct the theater; the plaintiffs were brought by Kisalföld. The current director, Péter Forgács, the current director, Róbert Markó, the artistic director of the local children’s theater Vaskakas, who graduated from the SZFE in 2017 and received the Critics’ Award twice, and János Sándor, an architect with theatrical experience. Gábor Bakos-Kiss stated that he envisioned a theater that “rests on the foundations of classical popular musical theater, but its doors are as wide as possible.”

The current director of the theater, Péter Forgács, reacted to the decision on Facebook. “I am terribly disappointed to hear the results of the director’s competition from my friends on Facebook. All this without presumably informing anyone other than the winner of the final decision. I think that after twelve seasons and in light of my service to the cultural life of the city, this process is unworthy, “he wrote.

Róbert Markó also reacted on Facebook, saying: “Of course I am not (false) naive, I was aware of the realistic prospects when applying, although I am not saying that I did not trust the miracle until the last minute, so I am not saying let me not be a little (and really just a little!) disappointed at the moment. ”He also wished the new director a fruitful job.

The Gábor Bakos-Kiss application can be read by clicking here.

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