An ATV correspondent at the scene said they were barred from entering their room, citing the fall break.

There is growing resistance from students and teachers to the reduction of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest developments in the SZFE scandal in our article series.

On Monday morning, the visual design department of the University of Theater and Film Arts tried unsuccessfully to enter the classroom of the building on Szentkirályi Street, ATV writes, referring to its correspondent on the spot.

They reportedly told the department that they could not give them the key to their room because there was a fall from a fall.

The extraordinary autumn recess was ordered by Chancellor Gábor Szarka last Friday, in reference to the epidemic situation, although according to the order of the school year, the recess would be next week. According to the students, there is no reason to order a break ahead of time.

As we reported, the new leadership wanted to evacuate the university buildings on Friday, citing the fall break, but it was unsuccessful, in fact the students even occupied another building.

Management said Sunday that the previously issued vice chancellor and vice chancellor regulations are still in effect, so the fall break at the university has officially begun, the first business day after the break being October 27. It was written that whoever stays at the SZFE facilities during the autumn holidays without special permission from the Chancellor does so at their own risk, assuming all the consequences.

The greats of the profession began the week with a demonstration

On Monday morning, the SZFE students wanted to thank the sponsors, for which the letters and statements of solidarity written to the university students were read by the elders of the profession – Róbert Alföldi, Judit Pogány, Béla Pintér, Eszter Nagy -Kálózy – at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology on Szemere Street. in front of the building. You can find our report on the 49th day of the lockdown here.

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