The document supporting the University of Theater and Film Arts was not published in any forum.

More than 400 people have already signed the petition, which was launched by some professors at Eötvös Loránd University despite the fact that the university leadership has explicitly asked them not to defend the SZFE and university freedom on behalf of the university.

The portal recalls that the news of the request of the ELTE lecturers did not appear in any official forum, it is only transmitted from lecturer to lecturer through informal contacts.

“We, the professors, researchers, staff and university citizens of Eötvös Loránd University, support the citizens of the University of Theater and Film Arts in their struggle to restore the self-determination of SZFE. We consider the freedom of university education and research autonomy of higher education.

We condemn all acts of power based on arbitrary rewriting of laws, violent enforcement, and behavior that neglects dialogue and cooperation.

We want to live in a country where the principles of freedom of expression and social solidarity are fully applied and can be exercised without fear.

– is included in the petition, which has so far been signed by 465 people.

The student government of Eötvös Loránd University issued a statement on September 4 questioning the willingness of the SZFE students to compromise and asking their student government to negotiate and not hold back freshmen, saying these guys deserve much more. . It was later revealed that the HÖK did not represent the students in the case, as ELTE students subsequently protested the announcement in an open letter, the response was signed by more than eight hundred. The students even collided with the university leadership, and on September 8, the students posted red and white ribbons and solidarity posters in the faculty building, which the institution cleaned up almost immediately.

We have never seen so deeply why the stand by SZFE is waiting for you.

The Senate of the Corvinus University of Budapest declares its solidarity with the Senate of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts, its employees and students, who defend their university autonomy by virtue of their rights enshrined in the Constitution – this motion for a resolution would have been discussed the rector of the university and the president of the Senate, András Lánczi, prevented it and did not call an extraordinary meeting of the Senate on the subject.

The Senate of the Corvinus University of Budapest also wanted to express its solidarity with the Senate of the University of Theatrical and Cinematographic Arts, but András Lánczi prevented the discussion of this decision, revealed a correspondence. The president of the Senate of Corvinus wrote that the proposed item on the agenda was not within the competence of the University Senate, so he could not comply with the issue.

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