They waited until the students’ fall semester ended well.

There is growing resistance from students and professors to the erosion of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest news from the SZFE scandal in our series of articles.

The professors of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts presented their resignation with their crowd on Friday, February 19, according to their announcement, more than twenty professors have decided not to continue teaching classes at the institution. The dismissals published on Friday have already reached the university leadership, the board of the Foundation for the Arts of Theater and Cinema, chaired by Attila Vidnyánszky.

According to the announcement, at the end of the fall semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, the following professors from the University of Theater and Film Arts terminated their employment at the university, did not sign their contract for the next semester, or terminated their membership in the Council Doctorate of SZFE.

  • Ari Zsófia
  • László Bagossy
  • György Báron
  • Bodor johanna
  • Csata Kató
  • Tibor Csizmadia
  • Attila david
  • Adam Adam
  • László F. Földényi
  • György Gábor
  • Garai Judit
  • Gigor Atila
  • Gimesi Dora
  • Péter Kárpáti
  • Kovács D. Dániel
  • Zoltán Nagy
  • Gábor Németh
  • György Pálfi
  • Róbert Júlia
  • Ruttkay Zsófia
  • Mermaid at sunrise
  • Éva Schulze
  • Mihály Schwechtje
  • Máté Szórád
  • Peter toth
  • László Upor

The instructors’ strike also ended on February 19, the day the layoffs were sent. At the press conference, the strike committee said that the communication arc between them and the management is tilted: they do not see the possibility of conciliation, so they will not continue with this type of search for forums, but they are working to pursue more effectively . , valid tools, resistance. They said they received a letter from Foreign Minister Gábor Szarka and Deputy Director Emil Novák, in which it was written that the businessman, for his part, considers the strike negotiations closed.

Gábor Szarka


Instructors and students from the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts learned from the press last May that they had to operate under the reservation of the foundation as of September on the basis of a bill presented the night of May 26. The first demonstration took place on June 21, with a measure that told deputies not to approve a bill to turn the university into a foundation reserve because it does not guarantee the autonomy of the university under the Law Fundamental.

Both current and former students protested against the institution’s bleeding, but many national and cross-border organizations also pledged to stand in solidarity with them. On July 3, Parliament voted to change the model, and at the end of the month it was revealed that director Attila Vidnyánszky, director general of the National Theater, had become the chairman of the board of directors of the foundation that maintains the University of Theater. and Cinematographic Arts. When it became clear who the members of the board of trustees would be, Gábor Zsámbéki terminated his contract with the institution after 41 years, but Gábor Székely and Máté Gáspár, director of the Institute for Art Theory and Mediation, were also among the first to leave. The Ministry of Innovation and Technology has not only chosen any of those appointed by the institution’s management for the board of the foundation that owns SZFE, but also for its supervisory board.

The professors and students who remained in the institution tried to coordinate with the ITM, but at the end of August it turned out that the new board of trustees had abolished all the essential elements of university autonomy, in response the entire leadership and the senate resigned, but Tamás Ascher Ildikó, Gábor Máté and Réka Pelsőczy also decided to occupy the university after a demonstration on August 31, the night of the start of classes.


Almost all the students participated in the maintenance of the blockade, several of them in approx. 80 doctoral students, and even Erasmus students. The main decision-making body became the Basic Democracy Forum, in which both students, teachers and non-teachers could participate and vote equally (subscribing to a video chat service for five hundred people from donations to involve non-assistants).

The new leadership of SZFE has repeatedly tried to invalidate the fall 2020 semester of students protesting the change of model, despite the fact that the university students and professors tried to demonstrate with hundreds of pages of documentation, statements, professional materials, administration that most protests do an hour and a half. A course was held (also in such a way that the maintainer tried to make it impossible by disconnecting the internet and electricity, closing the studios and hallways, and excluding the instructors from the Neptun system).

Then, on November 11, the university occupation ended, because according to the measures ordered to prevent the spread of the virus, the institution switched to digital education, and they had to abandon the buildings and dormitory. The students then said that they would not abandon the blockade, but would take it with them. That month, citing a recent government decree, the new leadership tried to invalidate the university’s fall semester, but the Metropolitan Court ruled that they could not do so. because it would cause irreversible harm to students.

In January, however, during the examination period, it was doubtful that the fall semester would still be accepted in real time: professors and professors at the University of Theater and Film were informed of the university’s management plan at the time. that the fall semester would be valid for students. that student credits would be reduced to zero for that period and carried over to the spring semester. While Andrea Fullajtár and János Szász also resigned and it became clear who could start a new class at the renovated institution, the Protestant university bourgeoisie established the Freeszfe Association, in part becauseso that faculty and students leaving the university can continue to work together. Meanwhile, the new management returned the Old Dry Stage to the Reformed Church, and it also turned out that educational spaces in the capital were dispersed. Student credits were finally recorded for the fall semester.

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Vidnyánszky: There was incredible turmoil in secondary schools to prevent students from coming to SZFE
Life + Style

According to the president of the Board of Trustees of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts, the previous leadership has not managed to build an institution of free speech and creativity in the last twenty years, yes, an exclusive one, a single shot and a confinement. .

After 101 days, the SZFE strike ends
Life + Style

There is no communication, so it is believed that the strike will lead nowhere. However, the resistance continues.