Chancellor Gábor Szarka requested a list of the strikers who asked in response: what legitimate purpose can the Chancellor indicate on the basis of which he handles your personal data?

There is growing resistance from students and professors to the erosion of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest developments in the SZFE scandal in our article series.

“The tank republic cannot be banned, it is no one’s responsibility but us to provide its conditions. It is an idea under the auspices of which all citizens of the university are equal. There are no leaders or representation. We oppose holding individuals accountable, no one can compel students or employees to make a declaration of loyalty, ”the students of the University of Theater and Motion Picture Arts announced at their press conference on Wednesday.

As they said, the illegitimate leadership they said asked the Office of Education for an investigation into whether the educational activities at their university were going well. The evidence was collected and presented by the university community.

While illegitimate leaders increasingly express public concern over the suppression of autonomy, they are now jeopardizing our education with practical means. Internet access was cut off from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the buildings, where classes are held at this time, and college students are preparing for the next day’s classes and are paying the university for it service. Blackmail is used to force the personnel involved in the operation not to let us into our classrooms.

They added.

“Until now we have had no illusions, but in recent days it has become clear that power is incapable of dialogue or discernment. On October 23, the citizens of SZFE will commemorate freedom, courage, the strength of a common position” the students announced.

Subsequently, Kata Csató, administrator of the strike committee, spoke and said that on October 12 Gábor Szarka wrote to the founding documents of the strike committee, the list of strikers. The administrator responded in a letter he read at the press conference. “Since these documents also contain personal data, please indicate the legal basis on which you claim these documents and the legitimate purpose for which you handle the personal data contained in them,” is quoted in the letter.

The list of strikers can only be made available to those who carry out payroll accounting in the strict sense, and only as long as payroll accounting is carried out in a technical sense. The list of strikers will not be made available to Gábor Szarka for data protection reasons, it can only be made known to employees who do payroll accounting. “We will continue the strike,” they added.

Gábor Németh, the SZFE instructor, also spoke at the press conference. He recalled that Gábor Szarka had recently declared the tank republic as a private activity on behalf of SZFE.

In doing so, it declared that the legitimate and lawful work of hundreds of people was a private activity. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that SZFE is not him, we are SZFE. He appointed two people, László Upor and Mihály Csernai, as representatives of the tank republic. The tank republic has no representatives, so calling them responsible seems at least an odd gesture. He has a master of ideas. If you’re looking for a scapegoat, you’ve found it, it’s me

– He closed his brief speech.

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