The money is given to the staff because they stood up “despite the unworthy circumstances of the student blockade that paralyzed the life of the University.”

There is growing resistance from students and professors to the reduction of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest developments in the SZFE scandal in our article series.

A According to the letter, Gábor Szarka, rector of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE), delivered a gross bonus of HUF 50,000 to the institution’s operational staff in October. In the letter, Magpie writes that the money will be given to those involved because it has been lifted “despite the unworthy circumstances of the student blockade that paralyzed the life of the University.”

The portal knows that there were those who had already offered the money to the students.

Gábor Szarka banned Performing Arts education last Friday, and instructors were deprived of their access to the Neptun study system.

They also protested the SZFE case on Saturday.

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SZFE: Palkovics has not yet responded to the students' invitation, they are waiting for their response until tomorrow
Life + Style

They want to negotiate.

Péter Gárdos on SZFE:

Rita Szentgyörgyi

With writing, I experienced the kind of freedom that I never had as a filmmaker, says writer and director Péter Gárdos in an interview with HVG. He has an opinion about his colleagues who do not notice the courage of the SZFE students. HVG portrait.