hvg. Because you left it?
Fullajtár Andrea: I ran into an insoluble contradiction when it turned out that the management wanted to falsify the semester. (As we wrote, the administration of the new university used to go to great lengths to invalidate the protesting students’ semester, but now they plan to accept the semester as valid, but the students will receive zero credits and the fall credits will also be recorded in the spring. ed.) Under this scenario, the teacher would have to lie about the exams: if he does not, his students will be angry with him, since he will not certify the credits in retrospect, but if he does, he will be treated with his own honesty and honor. But so far there has been a lot of stress during this period; I just couldn’t take it anymore. He could no longer mentally and nervously process the pressure of wanting to do it fairly.
hvg.hu: The university management says it is just a formality, so students would not miss a semester either, they would manage everything in hindsight. So what do you think the purpose of this zero credit idea could be?
FA: Various forums and authorities have stated that the semester is valid, but they want only the second to be documented as if the first had not happened. Who is it good for? For no one. In addition, it raises many practical questions about the disbursement of scholarships, the situation of paid students, but I also know departments where the epidemic would even nullify the results of last spring semester with this measure, since the virus did not have to close in August. their markings suddenly disappeared from Neptune. I really don’t know what they want with this. He is expected to have a good two-week period in February, during which he will have to recover the previous results. During this time, everything will be pending in Neptune; I think this could provide an opportunity for abuse.
hvg.hu: What would have been the scenario in which he would not have given up?
FA: If we can work safely, under normal working conditions, concentrating on professional work. But the chances of that are extremely slim. Either from the press or from the rumors of the corridor, we learned more and more rules of the university, something like rewriting the Organizational and Operational Rules without any special notice: from one moment to another, a new document appeared on the site university website. They create conditions in which trust as such is liquidated. Recently, for example, a threatening-sounding briefing was sent about what a college student was, the main message of which was that everyone could be fired immediately.
This is a toxic medium.
hvg.hu: Did the test precede the zero credit plan? Arguments have been made as to why this idea is good.
FA: A significant test? No way! There was equipment. It’s becoming more and more common for teachers to be appointed suddenly – you get an email the day before about when and where to report. When they got there: it happened to me that I didn’t receive the email, it just turned out that I was on a call list. I would not call these events a substantive judgment. Until now, I have been waiting for a written response from Géza Bodolay, the new director of the Theater Institute, to ensure that the teachers we have asked teach my class. This is because it is up to the classroom teachers to determine which teachers will teach their classes in the next semester; We did it already in October and sent the list.
The new leadership, of course, didn’t even look at it, but they asked the teachers in the class to introduce themselves in person and tell them verbally how they see the next semester. I wasn’t in the mood for it, but due to my class, I left at the scheduled time. I waited an hour and a half in the hall, then decided it was okay, then I would leave our schedule here and ask the student to bring it if the class teacher who had called in front of me came out. Bodolay’s answer just came in: he wrote that he can only guarantee his own promises.
hvg.hu: How did your department receive your dismissal?
FA: The hardest part of the story is when a teacher has to admit that no matter how much she loves her students, she just can’t anymore. This is very painful; I don’t want anyone to experience it. I am very attached to this class; They are talented, work well together as a team, and are exceptional individuals individually. Thanks to them, this car was worth moving so far. Their reactions were extreme about varying degrees of pain and anger, but that’s perfectly understandable. I absolutely understand it.
hvg.hu: In August, when Gábor Zsámbéki resigned, why did he decide to stay?
FA: It was also a very difficult decision, but I took a deep breath and said that I would persevere even then. And happily I would have said the same even now, but my health is already in shambles.
The moment came when I had to decide whether I would go physically and mentally into this fruitless struggle.
Because I don’t know how clear: in vain the Metropolitan Court said that the semester could not be annulled, in vain it turned out that our strike was legal, in vain we fought, nothing brought substantial advances; it is quite surprising, for example, that not once did they sit down to negotiate with the strike committee. Only small dots managed to stop the steamroller. There were so many turning points during this period that anyone would have wondered if it was worth moving on or not. So far, I have decided that my class is worth taking care of.
But I felt like a punching bag and was now permanently deformed.
hvg.hu: He was the first to speak, more precisely, at the demonstration on October 23. This is also the reason why many people attacked.
FA: Yes, it was difficult, they were dragged properly, I received a lot of death threats and dirty comments during that period. It is not the first time that I speak at a demonstration, it is not the first time that I have provoked extreme reactions, but it has been the most memorable of my life so far.
hvg.hu: Did you specifically receive death threats?
FA: Yes. By saying that I am not Hungarian, I have betrayed my nation; I think he guesses the rest. Those close to me who are afraid and loving have been saying for some time that this is already harmful, that it should not be done anymore. Because you can’t take this.
hvg.hu: What did you consider to be the most memorable events of the past six months, both positively and negatively?
FA: Every moment that we were able to do something together, whether with my fellow teachers or with my students, lives very, very strongly in me. And I’m thinking not just about, let’s say, organizing a rally, but just whatever way we’ve dealt with this bloody illegal process: who of these people with exceptional energies and abilities had what idea and what idea.
And he always got to the bottom of it when suddenly another illegal measure became apparent, or when someone else was face-to-face at the side of the process; All of these were shocking moments. But one of these is the day when, due to our trial contract, some of us had to present ourselves in front of the new leadership and then brush with a very friendly voice how helpful their intentions are. And in the meantime, there was already an anti-SZFE government decree before parliament that ensured that the semester could be banned that night.
It was an amazing deep flight to know that a few hours ago the new leaders had all kinds of good intentions assured. Of course, at no other time were we informed prior to any changes; they face everything that is normal in normal operation. If it’s a model change, I don’t know which university will use it well.
hvg.hu: And your class?
FA: After the resignation of Gábor Zsámbéki, we took the class with Márk Tárnoki, and Márk is still there for them. If they don’t play it, they have a very good schedule, we ask the teachers: I did all the work, which is the work of a classroom teacher. If all this is not thrown away, you can get through the next semester without a problem.
hvg.hu: Students stay in class, don’t they plan to passivate for up to six semesters?
FA: These are very difficult questions for students, but I don’t consider passivation to be lucky for an actor class. It is extremely important that actors take advantage of the opportunities their age affords them to play roles that they can only play in their twenties. It is not recommended to drag and drop the start of your career. Of course, there are also courses at SZFE where this can also work.
hvg.hu: To what extent do the problems related to the change of model affect your students, the issue of the nullity of the semester?
FA: Of course they are very tolerant of this process, but as a team they are an extremely creative and high energy class, great experience working with them, thinking in scenes. It has always been the most inspiring part of my teaching work and it has not disappeared at all. I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to work with them outside of college, but I will do anything for it.
hvg.hu: How do you proceed now?
FA: Although the theaters are closed, we are working. At Tesla, for example, we recently introduced the Every quarter lecture on perinatal grief. And we are also preparing something at the Katona József Theater, it remains a secret that since then, but the management has done a very good project for the entire company.
hvg.hu: In the current situation, can you focus on “ordinary” work?
FA: In all the difficult moments of my life, work was what helped me, so not only can I concentrate, but I also need to get involved in various theatrical and artistic processes. When something really shakes inside, it helps a lot.
hvg.hu: He had previously said that his fight in college was fruitless. Do you feel lost in battle now?
FA: No, I haven’t gotten that far, I’ve just been grinding healthy and nervous.
If he could have mustered a little more strength, he would have fought there as well.
It would be important in Hungarian public life for people to speak out against injustice, and an important step in this is that the SZFE community has tried to enforce the truth, or is trying: I don’t want to articulate it in the past tense. In fact, I didn’t lose hope. There is always hope, even if sometimes you have to admit to yourself that you can no longer bear it.
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