After defending their university, SZFE students and professors will launch a counterattack on Monday: they will protest in front of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, László Palkovics.

There is growing resistance from students and professors to the erosion of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest developments in the SZFE scandal in our article series.

“The Ministry of Innovation and Technology, the exercise of the foundational rights of the foundation that maintains our University, has not responded to our demands for a month and a half. For this reason, on Monday morning, at the beginning of the working day, we would like to show how many people are in favor of autonomous higher education, ”wrote the organizers on the event’s Facebook page.

At the event, the greats of the profession will read aloud the letters of support received so far from the resistant students and professors of the University of Theater and Film Arts. Judit Hernádi, Béla Pintér, Juli Básti, Győző Szabó, Adél Kováts, Róbert Alföldi, Zoltán Mucsi and many others will be there.

On Friday night, the students held a press conference on Vas Street, after Chancellor Gábor Szarka announced that the fall holidays had been brought forward, so they would all have to leave the institution’s buildings that same night. The students said the lockdown has been confirmed and will continue until autonomy is guaranteed.

Late at night, it was also announced that another university building, Rákóczi út, had been occupied.

The blockade remains in SZFE, the students demand Ódry Stage

Students from the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts held a press conference at 6 p.m. on Friday, after Chancellor Gábor Szarka announced that the fall holidays were coming up, so everyone had to leave the buildings of the college on Friday night. The students said the lockdown has been confirmed and will continue until autonomy is guaranteed.

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Gábor Horn: SZFE's resistance goes way beyond Vas Street

Horn of Gábor

The planned transformation of the University of Theater and Film Arts is part of the cultural struggle, our author writes. On the other hand, it also fits with the practice of NER, which is otherwise traveling in centralization, that everything has to be played by friends, according to whose “interest”. However, the SZFE case is a unique story in many ways. Opinion.

The blockade remains in SZFE, the students demand Ódry Stage

Students from the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts held a press conference at 6 p.m. on Friday, after Chancellor Gábor Szarka announced that the fall holidays were coming up, so everyone had to leave the buildings of the college on Friday night. The students said the lockdown has been confirmed and will continue until autonomy is guaranteed.