The coronavirus epidemic is strangely rewriting television shows.

It started at Club RTL on Saturday Teacher Season 3. However, the second part does not follow this week, since the second most watched Hungarian weekly series in recent years, starring Ervin Nagy and Nóra Trokán, was withdrawn from the program. It will not resume until fall at the earliest.

SeriesWiki knows that new episodes of the series will be uploaded to the RTL Most + platform in the coming weeks, according to previous screening plans. The RTL Most + activation code is available to subscribers of Pick-Up Kft., Sághy-Sat Kft., Tarr Kft., Telenor and the Vodafone Group of Companies (UPC) with RTL Klub.

In recent weeks, due to the coronavirus crisis, commercial channels in various surrounding countries have removed their leading entertainment content during the season. This can be due to two things. On the one hand, the advertising market is collapsing in all countries, so the income of television companies is constantly decreasing and therefore it is not worth broadcasting expensive programs. On the other hand, it is not possible to know when the pandemic will end and if they cannot film their fall productions in the summer, they may run out of new content. In Slovakia, for example, a few weeks ago, they were unexpectedly thrown off the screen during the season. the teacher . It seems that this kind of crisis has now also reached Hungarian television.

Teacher instead, the recently announced new quarantine talent show will begin at 8pm on Saturday, April 18. the Quarantined The best quarantine videos are worth a million forints. The jury of four members, Laci Gáspár, ByeAlex, Dora Sztarenki and Győző Szabó, selects the best of the broadcast of the “domestic” videos presented to the unusual talent show, whose creator shows how he experiences voluntary quarantine in his home, how he pursues your hobbies, let your creativity, talent and how you achieve everything you did not have time before fly. The creator of the best video of the show will be a million richer forints.

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