Coronavirus: You can still get the most promising drug from the US authority. USA


Before the press conference, the President of the United States had a discussion with Phil Murphy, the Democratic governor of New Jersey, about the epidemic situation and federal aid to New Jersey.

Trump confidently said that, according to new figures released by the federal Labor Department on Thursday, the number of people claiming unemployment benefits in the country has increased by 3,800,000 in a single week, and there are currently about 30 million Americans. jobless. Several economists, in analysis and interviews, warn that the recovery from the recession will be a long and slow process.

The Radio of the Public Service of the EE. USA (NPR) spoke to Mark Zandit, chief analyst at Moody’s Analytics, who said the coronavirus has done a lot of damage to the US economy. USA And that there is great uncertainty about the future.

Trump also spoke at a press conference on the epidemic, saying the government wants to speed up production of a coronavirus vaccine.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to approve the use of a drug called Remdesivir as a drug to treat a disease called Covid-19 caused by a coronavirus as early as Thursday.

Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergology and Communicable Diseases, a member of the government task force, again praised Remdesivir on Thursday. As he said, the drug can help to significantly reduce the duration of the disease.

However, Fauci also warned that “difficult autumns and difficult winters” could occur if the precautionary measures that are still needed in each Member State are not followed when resuming daily life.

The decrease in the number of patients and deaths was reported Thursday by New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo. He said that although economic activity has not yet restarted in the state, the epidemic curve constantly points downward. The hospital ship sent by the Pentagon is already leaving New York on Thursday, he added.

The governor said New York City’s extensive subway network will now be closed and completely disinfected by 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. until the end of the epidemic.

According to Johns Hopkins University and Hospital in Baltimore at noon Thursday, there are more than 61,000 people in the United States who died of Covid-19 and more than a million diagnosed with the virus.

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