Coronavirus: Viktor Orbán will speak at 8 pm


Viktor Orbán will speak on M1 at 8 p.m. tonight, according to his Facebook post. The head of government did not reveal any further details, who said after the morning Operations Tribunal that the government will decide on new measures on Wednesday, but is believed to speak about the worsening of the epidemic. After the meeting of the operational staff, the prime minister was ready to negotiate with economic experts.

Photo: MTI Photo / Zsolt Szigetváry

On Saturday morning, after a meeting of the Operations Court, the prime minister reported a strong morning in his video on Facebook.

According to Orbán, health care is prepared to face the next wave, the number of free hospital beds exceeds 10,000, ventilators are in order, and hospital capacities are available almost unlimited. No Hungarian will be left unattended if they contract the coronavirus, he said.

According to the head of government, quite a few decisions were prepared for the government meeting on Wednesday. As you said, I want to make sure that the few rules that have been developed for the use of masks, for the use of shops and means of transport, can be enforced and enforced.

He also spoke of discussing the epidemiological situation with economic experts after the meeting of the Operational General Staff, because one of the objectives of the defense is “to save the people”, the other objective is “to protect the functioning of Hungary.”

The virus cannot paralyze us again – said Viktor Orbán.
