Coronavirus: Viktor Orbán sent a very important message


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The coronavirus situation in Hungary has changed a lot in the last two weeks. The epidemic curve is on a steeper rise than during the first wave in the spring, and the second wave arrives according to official information. We have written several times that adherence to epidemiological regulations is extremely important in such an environment.

The government is very likely to recognize the importance of following the rules and leading by example amid the growing number of infections. This is indicated by a recent video posted on the Prime Minister’s official Facebook page that briefly summarizes the interview on Friday morning, but not illustrated with any series of images.

On the Prime Minister’s community page, a summary of just 1 minute will appear in all those radio interviews with the most important thing to say that day, always with series of very similar images. The government minibus appears at the MTVA building, the Prime Minister and Bertalan Havasi, the Under Secretary of State for the Prime Minister’s Press Office, get out and walk to the studio.

However, compared to the video from two weeks ago, we can find two major changes.

For one, they cut a frame in the current video with a sign warning that wearing a mask is mandatory.

On the other hand, what could have reached the viewers of today’s video “Let’s follow the rules”: Viktor Orbán will immediately put the mask on as soon as he gets out of the car and even uses it outdoors. In addition, it is spectacular that when we enter the building, we see a mask for everyone. Not like before.

The new video and picture messages suggest two things:

  1. The government is also noticing that there is a new epidemiological situation and epidemiological rules need to be taken more seriously. And one of the basic elements of this is the use of masks.
  2. On the other hand, the Prime Minister is also setting an example with this series of photographs, which is very important in the current period, and so far, sadly, we have seen little of this from other politicians in the government.

Cover Image Source: MTI / Prime Minister’s Press Office / Benko Vivien Cher
