Coronavirus: Viktor Orbán announces reopening, 2.5 million vaccinated soon


Worldwide, 129,510,295 people have been infected with the coronavirus epidemic, with 2,826,852 deaths and 73,380,066 recovered, according to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore on Friday morning, MTI reports.

Viktor Orbán announced this morning: service points and stores could open a few days after Easter. He put it this way: Those who think the shutdown can stop the virus are wrong. The first virus, a year ago, maybe even the second virus could stop, but the British mutant could only slow down, not stop.

He added that this virus can only be stopped with one thing, vaccines and vaccination.

East Asian countries, as well as Australia and New Zealand, are clearly the most successful countries in fighting the coronavirus. With vaccines, on the other hand, they are spectacularly behind schedule. Not only Australia and New Zealand, but also rich and developed Japan are among the slowest vaccinating countries, as is South Korea. There is no error or slowness in the background, but a premeditated strategy:

The Sputnik V vaccine is also being licensed in Europe, but you can only get it during the summer:

Vaccination also takes place on weekends, and Hungarian health professionals ask everyone to stay home for Easter:
