Coronavirus vaccines in Hungary: here is the most important table


Hungary expects enough vaccines from the EU to vaccinate 9.8 million people, of which enough vaccines have been received to vaccinate 439,000 people (4.5%) from three manufacturers: Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca. Janssen and CureVac do not have an EU license yet, so they have not even delivered vaccines to Hungary.

Following the slow and low supply of vaccines from the EU, Hungary has also contracted to procure Russian and Chinese vaccines to accelerate vaccines, with a total of enough vaccines to vaccinate 3.5 million more people in the coming months. To date, 298,000 people have received enough vaccine to vaccinate, Vaccination of registered elderly is already underway with the Sputnik vaccine, and vaccination with the Chinese vaccine may begin soon.

The vaccines arriving in Hungary always constitute an adequate safety reserve for the second round of vaccinations. According to data this morning, 391,821 people have already been vaccinated, of which 152,432 people have already received their second vaccination.

Coronavirus vaccines arrive in Hungary
Fixed quantity That’s where it came from
Dose Principal Dose Principal %
1 Pfizer-BioNtech 6 593 710 3 296 855 669 615 334 717 10.16%
two Modern 1,744,000 872,000 39 600 19 800 2.27%
3 AstraZeneca 6,540,000 3,270,000 169 900 84 950 2.60%
Janssen 4,360,000 2,180,000 0 0 0.00%
CureVac 500,000 250,000 0 0 0.00%
Of the EU procurement 19 737 710 9 868 855 879 115 439 467 4.45%
4 Szputynik 2,000,000 1000000 45 600 22 800 2.28%
5 Sinopharm 5,000,000 2,500,000 550,000 275,000 11.00%
“oriental vaccine” 7,000,000 3,500,000 595 600 297 800 8.51%
Total 26 737 710 13 368 855 1 474 715 737 267 5.52%
Source:, Portfolio

Top image: The Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine developed in Russia (officially called Gam-COVID-Vac) is being prepared for vaccination at the Semmelweis University vaccination center in Budapest on February 18, 2021. Source: MTI / Koszticsák Szilárd
