Coronavirus vaccines arrive under armed protection


The coronavirus vaccines arriving in Hungary are also increasingly protected, but elsewhere the authorities ensure that the expected vaccines reach their destination with serious armed preparation. The Hungarian Nation reports that the measures are supported by an Interpol alert.

As Origo wrote according to the Coronavir Press Center, the first approved coronavirus vaccine in Europe, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, will arrive in Hungary on Saturday morning, December 26. The vaccine shipment is expected to cross the Hungarian border early in the morning, from where it will arrive first at the South Pest Central Hospital with police insurance, and then at four more hospital vaccination points. Vaccination of health workers will begin on Sunday, December 27.

The Hungarian Nation was informed that it was constantly arriving in the country as planned. Enhanced protection of vaccine shipments against the Covid-19 virus, including armed escorts, followed by armed custody and officially supervised distribution, will be provided, based on an Interpol alert.

Not just in Hungary, but in all Interpol member states. Interpol also issued two emergency alerts on the Covid-19 epidemic in December.

IllustrationSource: AFP / Sven Hoppe

They warn of organized criminal groups

Just before Christmas, member states and intelligence services are being alerted to terrorist organizations and organized criminal groups that are settling in the Covid-19 epidemic.

At the beginning of the pandemic, some terrorist groups and other secret organizations used the epidemic to strengthen their strength and influence, especially among the local population, or to expand their external financial resources, warns Interpol. Their report also highlights that the impact of Covid-19 on the global economy will likely indirectly affect the funding available to terrorist organizations.

“Terrorists, like all criminals, have tried to profit from Covid-19, make money, strengthen their base and share their finances,” said Jürgen Stock, Interpol’s secretary general, adding that his report on the Terrorism Survey will help the law enforcement agencies to identify and address these issues. changing threats, in still challenging circumstances.

Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine in a freezer at a hospital in San DiegoSource: AFP / Ariana Drehsler

The Interpol alert highlights in particular that disinformation and conspiracy theories seek to increase social divisions and, for example, extreme right-wing elements also use them as threats against priority targets.

“Law enforcement agencies will continue to face attempts by violent far-right extremists to radicalize social movements, such as clashes with far-left groups and / or provoking the use of violence,” they wrote.

Interpol encourages Member States to cooperate in sharing information on Covid-19 conspiracy theories and the individuals and groups who spread them to detect and prevent acts of violence. The coordinated and consistent use of Interpol alerts is essential and remains key to anticipating threats arising from the direct and indirect effects of a pandemic.

The Interpol report also emphasized that the repeated reinstatement of restrictive measures is expected to perpetuate civil unrest and have an impact on the timing and objectives of terrorist acts.

Fake drugs for the disease have already appeared.

Interpol continues to maintain its alert issued in early December, alerting mob organizations to the Covid-19 epidemic. Organized criminals have previously offered counterfeit Covid-19 drugs, most recently fake vaccines, on the World Wide Web. However, they can also be done with officially licensed vaccine shipments that will soon be shipped to hundreds of millions, in addition to hackers trying to obtain unauthorized vaccine data.

IllustrationSource: AFP / Monty Rakusen

Increased armed surveillance, escort and official control of the distribution of shipments arriving in Hungary In addition to the special units of the police, the secret services also help with their specific equipment.

Interpol’s new Lyon report also focuses on warning about the impact of Covid-19 on global terrorism, attacks on vulnerable targets and trends, and potential risks related to bioterrorism.

The warning takes into account the following five main factors:

  • characteristics of the Covid-19 epidemic and health development
  • global or national response
  • social environment
  • the resilience of the security device
  • strategies and capacities of terrorists and other non-state actors

In addition to governments, Interpol, of course, is urging joint action by public authorities and intelligence services.
