Coronavirus: Trump also changed intent


Donald trump The President of the United States said at a press conference at the White House that he saw evidence of a link between the coronavirus and the Wuhan laboratory. However, he did not reveal any details about it, but said he planned to introduce criminal duties against China. He explained that Washington had concluded a partial trade agreement with Beijing, but this is now a minor issue after the way China believes it has handled the epidemic.

It can also be intentional

However, he did not answer that journalistic question about whether he held him responsible. Hsi Qin-ping Chinese leader for misleading information about the epidemic. He said China, either because of its lack of experience, could not stop the epidemic or simply let the virus spread freely.

“But it could even be that someone did something on purpose.”

– quotes MTI.

There will be no total victory

in response Nancy Pelosi At the President’s request, Trump agreed that each US member state. USA You should receive additional financial assistance, but as he said, “this is why we want something in return.” He said the government is taking additional steps to protect the elderly.

The Federal Disaster Response Agency (FEMA) will send protective gear, gowns, and face masks to all registered state nursing homes. Within days, 15,400 institutions will receive assistance, plus an additional $ 81 million for inspections in nursing homes and rehabilitation centers.

He emphasized that he said the United States could never declare a “total victory” over the virus as too many people died in it. As you said, you will see it as a victory if the virus goes away and the American economy fully recovers.

