Coronavirus: this is how the epidemic could develop in the coming days based on wastewater data


Sewer tests carried out in calendar week 40 show a stagnation in the amount of hereditary material of the coronavirus compared to the results of the previous week in the examined settlements, writes the National Center for Public Health (NNK) on its website .

NNK measures the amount of hereditary coronavirus material in wastewater in 21 cities. Compared to the previous week, the measurements showed a stagnant amount in each city. (See our map)

According to previous studies, the coronavirus does not infect water or wastewater, but examining wastewater allows monitoring of the spread of the virus in larger communities, even entire settlements. With the help of the high-sensitivity study, an increase in the epidemic wave can be predicted even before the appearance of a large number of cases showing clinical symptoms. The increase in concentration detected in the wastewater precedes the increase in the number of symptomatic diseases by 4 to 10 days.

To stop the spread in the Community, the existing preventive epidemiological standards must continue to be observed. The most important thing is that only asymptomatic individuals who are considered healthy and who enter the community enter the community, especially with regard to the personnel of health, social and educational institutions. Avoid crowded places and situations! Especially for events organized indoors! warns NNK.

