Coronavirus: this is how life in the country begins again


Digital education will remain in Debrecen

Education at the University of Debrecen (DE) continues to take place digitally, But the practical final exams can be taken in the order developed by the faculties with personal presence, in front of a limited number of examination committees with the use of appropriate and profession-specific protective equipment and distance rules, said the rector and chancellor of the university. in new regulations.

In the circular of Zoltán Szilvássy and Zoltán Bács, he points out that the written matriculation exams will be held at the university’s practice institutions from May 4, with due precautions. In addition to the graduation period for the graduation years, education is still provided in digital form, with kindergartens and kindergartens that provide supervision to children in care in groups of up to 5 people.

Students have limited access to educational buildings for the sole purpose of taking tests and personal library services. However, the dorms are basically inaccessible, the closed dorms remain closed during the school year., but medical universities that participate in volunteer work and fulfill their practical obligations, as well as universities that have so far provided accommodation for foreign students and Hungarian students across the border, provide an opportunity to accommodate originally university students who They participate in final exams and internships. The events cannot take place until further action, university leaders said.

The work of health workers continues to be continuous, taking into account the gradual resumption of patient care activities. The university’s open and closed facilities can be used for sports and training, with applicable restrictions, beginning Monday.

There will be public masses again

Starting May 5, Masses will be made public again in the Szentkút Basilica, and from May 10, once again they can celebrate open Masses in the national sanctuary, informed the press chief of the sanctuary belonging to the Diocese of Vác. Regina Kerekes-Dancsok stated that participation is subject to rules, among others, only those under 65 can participate in the epidemic according to the instructions of the bishop. Others can still join the Szentkút liturgies online, he added.

Masses and ordinary psalms will be public in the church starting Tuesday, May 5. According to the bishop’s order, one person may sit on each bench, and they are not directly behind one another, or they are all required to wear a mouth mask. At the same time, in “peace greetings” at mass, it is not yet possible to shake hands or sacrifice, and the confession takes place outdoors, the press chief said.

Zoos are reopening

On Monday, the Miskolc Zoo and Cultural Park will reopen however, to protect the health of visitors, the opening will be limited for now, according to the Miskolc mayor’s office. According to the information, enclosed spaces and animal houses will remain closed, and there will be no visual feeding or animal demonstrations to ensure the required protective distance is maintained. However, the zoo’s walkways are fully walkable, and when the weather is nice, most animals stay on the walkways outside.

Markets are also reopening

On Tuesday, May 5, the peace market will reopen. the deputy mayor of the city told MTI. In his statement, Zoltán Polgár wrote that in order to meet limited points of sale and safety distance, market surveillance may decide who is allowed to sell, which is only possible in the inner courtyard, which is lined with buildings and fences. He also said that the market area can only be entered with a mask, and that a distance of one and a half meters should be kept from each other, buyers should not touch the products, it can only be grabbed by the seller, who is obliged to wear a mask and rubber gloves. People over 65 can only shop between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m., he added.

There are places where the rigor of Budapest is maintained

Although Martonvásár is located in Fejér county, the settlement is part of the agglomeration of Budapest, so the city administration decided that they would relax the rules as much as they did in Budapest. The municipality is not planning any relief yet, and all local businesses and restaurants have been asked to comply with the strict rules above.

Meanwhile, the capital focuses on defense and evidence

Budapest XII. The district municipality conducted coronavirus tests during the week on 43 of its district home health personnel, all of which were negative, the mountain municipality told MTI on Saturday. The tests were written to include nurses who worked in home care, area nurses who visited newborns, vaccinated healthy babies, nurses who cared for patients who were unable to move from their homes, and community psychiatric caregivers. They added that the municipality recently signed a framework agreement to conduct reliable serological and PCR tests because previously used rapid tests showed erroneous results in three cases based on controls performed with multiple PCR tests. Reliable serological tests evaluate their staff in regular close contact with the elderly weekly for maximum safety, they wrote.

Cover photo: MTI Photo / Anders Wiklund
