Coronavirus: These underlying diseases are the biggest threat


The importance of maintaining chronic diseases that have existed for several years was highlighted by the national medical director in an online press conference by the operational strain responsible for controlling the coronavirus epidemic on Tuesday.

Cecília Müller emphasized that the risk of complications from coronavirus disease significantly increases a neglected underlying disease that is not maintained regularly.

The chief physician asked the habitual drug users to consult their family doctor.

Cecília Müller said that more and more infected people are being treated in a hospital with 1,519 coronavirus patients, 160 of whom are connected to a ventilator.

He mentioned that in the last 24 hours the number of infected had increased by 1,025, 28 patients had died, all had some type of chronic disease. Still typical cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and several of them suffered from some form of autoimmune disease. He added that the range of metabolic diseases within the underlying diseases has expanded and, in addition to diabetes, gout has also appeared. There are also cancer patients among the deceased.

Cecília Müller explained that since the beginning of the epidemic the disease has been detected in 39,862 people, 27,113 active infections have been registered and the number of laboratory PCR tests carried out is 841,220. 21, the oldest was 103 years old.

The national medical director pointed out that there were 322 people infected in week 40 and 397 in week 41 for every 100,000 people. It is still true that in densely populated areas, in the capital and in large cities, the contagion rate is higher, but there is no longer such a big difference between densely populated and less densely populated settlements, the virus can occur anywhere, Indian.

Regarding the infected, he said that 21 percent of them are in Budapest, 11 percent in Pest county, 9 percent in Győr-Moson-Sopron county, 7 percent in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and 5 percent in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg. “The least affected counties are Békés, Komárom-Esztergom and Tolna,” he added.

He said that Hungary is still in the rising phase of the second wave, the number of infections is increasing day by day. In this regard the 20-29 year age group is still affected, but the number of cases is also increasing among the 30-60 age group. Infection in children is not yet typical, although there is also an increase. “These trends show that the virus is already widespread, in all ages of society, and it is necessary to follow the rules,” he said.

He stressed that the number of social institutions in which the virus has entered is increasing. Currently, 52 of these institutions are involved, 641 positive cases of the 6,630 patients are registered, 156 are hospitalized and 37 have died.

The medical director also spoke about the fact that the operating court currently ordered extraordinary breaks in 28 kindergartens and 16 schools, with 130 classes and 3 schools complete with digital education.

Cecília Müller said that it was not possible to know who had the disease. Some people do not experience any symptoms later, others complain of prolonged discomfort, fatigue, muscle weakness. He said it is important to maintain health and fight the virus for people to take vitamins D and C during winter, eat properly, exercise regularly and drink plenty of fluids.

Speaking of the upcoming fall holidays, he drew attention to the fact that parents should only bring healthy children to their grandparents. The chief physician recommended periodic fever measurements, more focused care, and more distant family contacts than usual.

Regarding the infectivity of the coronavirus, he said, it is not yet known whether the pathogen will become seasonal. He pointed out that because it is a virus that spreads through the respiratory tract and can be transmitted by infection and contact by droplets, the fall and winter months are dangerous if we don’t follow the rules.

Cecília Müller said that the protective capacity of the mouth mask can be significantly weakened if it is exposed to moisture or physical impact.
