Coronavirus: the situation is so bad that an emergency can reach the Czechs


The reintroduction of a state of emergency in the Czech Republic due to the spread of the coronavirus cannot be ruled out, according to statements by leading Czech politicians in Saturday’s newspapers.

“The situation is not good. Nobody was counting on what is happening now,” Prime Minister Andrej Babis was quoted as saying by the left-wing daily Právo. According to the newspaper, Babis, who even a few days ago said that the population should not be intimidated by the coronavirus, has now been forced to change his mind. Babis acknowledged that the epidemic has returned and must be taken seriously.

“I urge everyone to behave responsibly. The coronavirus is back, the numbers are increasing everywhere, and especially here. The situation is dire, especially in Prague,” said the Czech prime minister. He considered that the introduction of a state of emergency cannot be ruled out either. “This question should be asked by the Minister of Health. If he proposes it to the government, we will address it,” Babis said.

Health Minister Adam Vojtech said he would consider reintroducing the state of emergency if the epidemic required economic measures or restrictions on mass events.

Interior Minister Jan Hamácek, president of the national crisis team in Právo, said the figures showing the spread of the epidemic are worsening and “it is time to suspend massive events.”

According to Roman Prymula, the Czech government’s commissioner for scientific and health research, restoring the state of emergency after the resumption of the national crisis team would be “a logical step and is very likely to take place”. He pointed out that the advantage of the state of emergency is that it allows the Minister of Health to introduce measures at the national level.

According to a recognized epidemiologist, the number of infected people is expected to increase to 3-4 thousand per day in the next two to three weeks. It takes approximately three weeks for the effects of the more stringent precautions introduced this week to manifest.

On Friday, labs detected 2,111 new coronavirus infections, the third-highest daily number in history. The death toll rose to 498.

In spring, the state of emergency was in effect in the Czech Republic from March 12 to May 17.
