Coronavirus: The situation is getting worse in Europe, tightening is coming


The number of deaths from coronavirus exceeded 150,000 In Brazil the Latin American Ministry of Health said on Saturday. According to the ministry’s summary, since the outbreak, Covid-19 has claimed the lives of 150,150,198 people and has more than five million confirmed infections.

The epidemic curve appears to be somewhat squashed compared to the summer peaks. However, experts say the situation remains of great concern in the largest and most populous country in South America, with 210 million inhabitants. In Brazil, only the infected and the dead were recorded only in the United States.

In colombia on Saturday, the number of infected exceeded 900,000. According to the Ministry of Health, so far 902,747 infections with 27,660 deaths have been registered, while the number of active cases is 89,925.

In Colombia, with a population of 50 million, the quarantine was introduced in March, replaced by a much more flexible system of specific restrictions in September, which is expected to remain in effect until the end of October. Among others, restaurants may be open, international flights operate, but concerts and large-scale events are prohibited, and maritime and land borders remain closed. A third of the cases were detected in Bogotá, where the intensive care unit burden was 64 percent.

In Mexico 4,577 new infections and 135 deaths have been registered in the last 24 hours, according to the Ministry of Health. In the 130 million countries, this increased the number of infected people to 814,328 and the number of deaths to 83,642. According to the government, the actual number of infected people could be much higher than the number of confirmed cases.

