Coronavirus: the second wave is increasing


The Czech Republic cannot afford to shut down its economy once again, the Czech head of state said in an interview published on Saturday by the Czech daily Mladá Fronta Dnes. Milos Zeman said he agreed with Health Minister Roma Prymula that precautions against the coronavirus epidemic should be taken primarily in recreational activities that do not directly affect the economy.

A second interruption, as happened at the beginning of the epidemic in the spring, the Czech economy would not survive

said the head of state. In the Czech Republic, several strict precautions will be taken from Monday to two weeks, restricting and stopping leisure activities, sports and cultural life. The measures also have the support of the opposition, but on the condition that the government be held accountable when the threat ends.

Prime Minister Andrej Babis on public service television on Friday called for continued adherence to the measures, stating: “I previously ruled out a spring-like shutdown of the economy, but if we are not consistent, this could happen now.” According to the latest reports published on the website of the Ministry of Health on Saturday

on Friday, 8,618 new infections were found in the Czech Republic, far more than ever.

This is three thousand more than the previous record. 412 people are being treated in hospitals and the death toll rose to 905 on Friday night. (MTI)
