Coronavirus: the red scenario has entered into force in Romania, the population besieges the emergency call


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In Bucharest, the population was warned by cellular messages in Romanian and English through the mobile phone disaster alert system that Since Tuesday, the use of a protective mask was also mandatory in the streets, schools, restaurants and closed event halls, since the proportion of infected diagnosed in the last two weeks exceeded three per thousand of the population.

The call “red stage” Residents of other affected cities were also informed of the three thousandth threshold that led to its entry into force through the Ro-Alert alert system. In relation to the coronavirus epidemic, communication between the population and disaster management has also intensified in the other direction: the number of calls related to the epidemic on the emergency number 112 doubled compared to the August period. For this reason, the authorities have repeatedly asked those affected who are asymptomatic infected, or those who want to inquire about sick leave conditions or test options with the public health authority, or inquire about the green number so as not to overload the call emergency, making it difficult to respond to truly urgent cases. watch out.

In Romania, the average daily number of cases has almost doubled in the last two weeks, But Tuesday’s report from the Strategic Communications Tribe (GCS) already suggests a slowdown in the spread of the epidemic. In the past 24 hours, 3,400 new infections were diagnosed, less than 10 percent more than the average for the past two weeks, compared to 50 or 70 percent in the past. THEz on the death of 65 coronavirus patients on the last day GCS reported: Exceptionally high number in Romania is currently average Pressure on Covid hospitals has continued to mount: 11 other patients became seriously ill on Tuesday, thus The number of infections treated in intensive care amounted to 768.

Cover image source: Getty Images.
