Coronavirus: The rate of spread of the Hungarian epidemic has jumped to the forefront of Europe


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With the publication of a new record number of 941 cases by the Hungarian authorities today, Hungary has moved to the forefront of the most frequently observed comparative indicator of the spread of the epidemic (for every 100,000 of all new infections confirmed in recent 14 days). After Spain (292 people), France (172 people), Czech Republic (166), Luxembourg (130 people) and Malta (127 people) Hungary came in fifth place (94 people). We are immediately followed by Belgium (93 people), the Netherlands and Romania (90-90 people), then Austria (89 people), followed by Croatia (78 people) and Portugal (71 people).

In the table of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) together with this Fortunately, Hungary is still doing well on the death rate, since the value of deaths per 100,000 in the last two weeks is “only” 0.5, while Romanian is 2.8 and Spanish is 2.5. The so-called.However, unfortunately, due to the California phenomenon, there is a possibility at home that the infection will reach the older group, and therefore the number of deaths will also increase.

It is also worth presenting that How and at what speed did Hungary come to the forefront of Europe? Based on this, it is understandable why the number of political statements, announcements of restrictions increased and why the press conference of the operative court was restarted. As can be seen in the figure below: At the end of August, the number of infections per 100,000 in the previous 14 days was still low, then suddenly it started to rise and reached a steady increase to the current number of 94 people. Meanwhile, the Czech figure has already reached a higher level and an even more pronounced rise to 166.

In other parts of neighboring countries, there has not been such a strong rebound, and indeed the epidemic in Poland is specifically declining.

Even in the case of the epidemics in France and Spain, which are now really raging, the rise in this curve was not as intense as in Hungary or the Czech Republic, and in the meantime it can be seen that both Spanish and French infections are much higher now than during the spring wave. .

The population of 292 newly infected per 100,000 inhabitants has been a really high number in the last two weeks, but it is worth expanding the picture even further and looking around the world. To do this, we also look at the global ECDC database and, by compiling the largest sources of infection, it seems that the current Spanish figure of 292 is really high: only Israel and Argentina surpass it. The first rises steeply to 470 people, the second to just over 300. It is no coincidence that Israel has been completely closed for three weeks as of this Monday, which means that people cannot be more than 500 meters from their own houses, only under strict conditions. Fortunately, according to official data, this epidemic curve is decreasing in the other major foci.

Cover image source: MTI Photo: Péter Lakatos
