Coronavirus: the latest restrictive measures have been announced in Italy


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“The numbers of the epidemic are increasing, we must not waste time, but by all means we must avoid another period of inactivity, which the country’s economy can no longer afford,” stressed the prime minister. He stressed that with the measures followed so far, the Italian economic indicators were more favorable than those of the French, Germans and Spanish.

Education, which was relaunched in mid-September, will also continue with a personal presence: Provinces may decide to have morning and evening shifts at vocational primary and secondary schools to ease the burden of morning public transportation.

Giuseppe Conte said: The mayors will be able to order that the streets and squares in which agglomerations can form are closed after nine at night. The closed area can only be entered by anyone who lives or goes to work there.

Restaurants open to sit until midnight have capacity for six people per table. Restaurants must indicate at the entrance how many guests they can accommodate at one time. However, they must be closed at 6 p.m. by those who cannot provide seating for all guests, i.e. bars, espresso bars and other entertainment venues. The home delivery time was set at midnight. No restrictions apply to hospitality in hospitals, airports, roads.

The game rooms and sports betting offices are open until nine at night.

Farewells were held, larger fairs were held, but not conferences. According to the regulations, teleworking in the workplace should be preferred.

Amateur team sports were stopped, training of non-professional athletes from federations was allowed, but competitions were suspended.

The gyms and pools will remain open and will be given an additional seven days to ensure compliance with the precautions.

For the first time since May, the Roman government introduced austerity measures on October 13, which, with a sharp rise in the epidemic curve, seemed insufficient in a matter of days, according to a statement from Giuseppe Conte on Friday night, when the prime minister was still calling for a change in strategy.

Conte has now explained that there is no need to follow the strategy used in the spring with the country completely closed, since the epidemic was a surprise in March, the country was not prepared for it, there were not enough masks and massive tests.

“We have worked hard since then, increasing the number of healthcare workers by 34,000, doubling our intensive care beds, doing 20 million masks a day, and performing almost 150,000 tests a day,” Conte said. He stressed that Italy is the only one in Europe that provides daily surgical masks to teachers and students from eighteen thousand educational institutions.

According to press reports

the government had even previously planned a curfew, but did not introduce it under pressure from the provinces.

Regarding the Christmas holidays, Giuseppe Conte said that everything depends on the responsible behavior of Italians. “Wear a mask, keep a safe distance,” he warned.

The number of infections examined increased by 11,705 on Sunday, from 5,456 a week ago. The health authorities consider the saturation of the hospitals in Milan and Naples critical. Compared with spring, the disease spreads not only in the north but throughout the country.

Cover photo: Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announces restrictive measures against the coronavirus epidemic at a press conference at the Chief’s Palace in Rome on October 13, 2020. Source: MTI / EPA / ANSA / Angelo Carconi
