Coronavirus: the latest data on the pandemic have arrived


The epidemic has become more moderate than in recent days, but more than half a million new cases were still recorded worldwide on Saturday morning.

While good news is looming on the vaccine front (vaccination of healthcare workers has started in several countries with an antidote called Comirnaty developed by Pfizer and BioNTech and additional vaccines have reached the mark), the epidemic has reached its mark. extended to Johns Hopkins University in the USA. according to your data.

On Saturday morning, before 7 am Hungarian time, the number of infected people approached 84 million. That means more than 500,000 new infections have been identified worldwide as of Friday morning. The latest series of data indicates a slowdown in the spread of the epidemic, as the number of new cases has increased by more than 700,000 in the last three days.

By Saturday, more than a quarter of a million had recovered from the disease caused by the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) (Covid-19), so nearly 43 million had been cured. In the last twenty-four hours, 8,791 people have lost their lives, bringing the death toll to 1,827 million.

This is how the epidemic spreads in the world
Name Saturday, January 2, 2021 One day change
Infected person) 83 960 358 514 758
Healed (person) 47 286 643 252 318
Death victim (main) 1 827 178 8 791

Source: Johns Hopkins University,

However, an important consideration when evaluating the Johns Hopkins University data is that epidemiological rules and testing capabilities vary around the world, as well as the extent of restrictions, so the actual epidemic situation may differ. slightly from what is shown in the data.

An interactive map from Johns Hopkins University shows where the pandemic is in different parts of the world.
