Coronavirus: the French extended the state of emergency until July 10


Two days before the gradual lifting of the general quarantine for the coronavirus epidemic, the French parliament voted on Saturday night to extend the state of health until July 10, while the health ministry indicated that the number of deaths from Covid-19 had increased by 80 in the past 24 hours. . There has been no example of such low growth since early April.

According to the ministry’s announcement, 26,310 people have died from the infection since March 1, but the number of timely deaths in homes and other social institutions increased only four in the past 24 hours and 76 in hospitals.

The hospital treated 22,614 patients on Saturday night, which is 110 fewer than Friday, but even 265 admissions on Saturday. Of these, 2,812 are on ventilators, 56 less than 24 hours ago, but even in the last 24 hours, 38 new seriously ill patients have been transported to intensive care units, according to the MTI.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 95,829 people have needed hospital care, of which more than 56,000 have been cured.

“The virus remains active and is spreading to various parts of the country,” the health ministry warned, urging the French to strictly adhere to social distancing and all other precautions, even after the quarantine reduction on Monday.

The country is divided in two.

Based on the presence of the virus and the hospital workload in the country of 67 million, some 27 million French people living in counties in the most vulnerable red zone are still subject to stricter regulations after quarantine than those living in less infected counties marked in green.

Meanwhile, Parliament finally passed a bill requesting an extension of health status on March 24. In the National Assembly, parliamentarians voted in favor of a compromise text drafted by two houses of parliament, the lower house of the majority of the government and the joint committee of the majority of the opposition, that the state of emergency would remain in force until July 10. The right-wing senate has already given the extension the green light.

Macron calls for rule control

Emmanuel Macron indicated that he was asking the Constitutional Council for regulatory control over the law after the opposition expressed concern about restrictions on freedoms.

The seven-article text confirms the state of emergency and provides the government with a legal framework to establish regulations to curb the epidemic and ensure appropriate precautions even after the gradual lifting of the general quarantine that begins on Monday.

The parliamentary debate between the majority of the government and the opposition revolved mainly on the criminal liability of decision makers, especially mayors, who are required to carry out relaxations and reopen schools, among other things, in a date set by the government.

Parliament also approved the creation of an IT registry of Covid-19 patients and those who contacted them, but limited the retention of data to three months.

Stores can open

As of Monday, the French can take to the streets without a certificate and move freely within a 100 kilometer radius of their place of residence, but beyond that, they can only go to an urgent matter with a certificate. Stores may open, but shopping malls in Paris remain closed indefinitely, and dining establishments, cinemas, theaters, museums, and sports facilities are not yet open to visit. The use of masks will be mandatory in public transport vehicles.

The government continues to recommend working from home for those for whom it may be settled, but due to the start of the trade, it estimates that 875,000 people may start working again at around 400,000 small and medium-sized businesses starting Monday.
