Coronavirus: the epidemic will not subside in Germany, further adjustments are possible


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According to unanimous press reports, the chancellor stressed at a meeting of the joint federal parliamentary faction (Bundestag) of his party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the fraternal Christian Social Union (CSU), that the situation of the epidemic was ” very, very serious “and that the new infections were too high. it cannot be reduced enough with the measures taken so far.

He called the Bavarian provincial government’s decision to further tighten restrictions on people’s exposure to the infection from Wednesday to January 5 as a step in the right direction. The new main rule is that everyone can leave home only when they need it most, for example, to work, go shopping, exercise.

More restrictions are needed not only in Bavaria but in all other provinces for Germany to survive the winter, Angela Merkel stressed, urging a decision to be made as soon as possible.

According to the leaked details, the chancellor wants the provincial governments in charge of epidemiological control to order an almost total closure from the first day after Christmas, from December 27 to January 3, or January 10 if necessary. The main restriction would be that only stores that sell products that are essential for daily life could be open. Angela Merkel said that the teaching recess should also be ordered to last one more week, which means that students can only return to school in the week starting January 11.

The Foreign Ministry is already working on preparations for the so-called Prime Minister’s Conference (MPK) – the conciliatory body of provincial heads of government – and another extraordinary meeting of the federal government, the date of which could be set as soon as a week.

Due to the second major wave of the epidemic that unfolded in late summer, restrictions that went beyond basic infection control rules (stay away, wear a mask, wash hands frequently, and ventilation) were originally introduced. only in november. Tourism, hospitality, the institutional system of cultural life and a number of other leisure services have almost closed.

The explosive increase in the number of infections stopped, but the expected turn of the trend did not take place.

Therefore, in the last meeting between the MPK and the federal government, it was decided to extend the restrictions until January 10 and toughen up several rules. They agreed, among other things, that a maximum of five people from two household members could meet instead of the previous ten, excluding children under 14 years of age.

Data from the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health (RKI) on Monday showed the new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in 12,332 people over the past 24 hours. This is an increase of more than ten percent from 11,169 a week earlier. In relation to the SARS-CoV-2 disease (Covid-19), 147 deaths were reported in one day.

Along with the new cases, 1,183,654 infections were detected by virus tests and the number of deaths in the epidemic rose to 18,919 in Germany. The number of people in need of intensive care due to Covid-19 rose from 71 to 4,179 in one day, according to Monday’s summary from the professional organization for intensive care and accident care (DIVI). 60 percent (2,513 patients) need mechanical ventilation. According to the DIVI report, 27,291 intensive care beds are operated nationwide, of which 5,450 are free.

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