Coronavirus: the epidemic may have reached the plateau in the world, nothing is certain in Hungary


In the Czech Republic, tests revealed 1,074 new confirmed coronavirus infections on Sunday, the lowest number of cases per day since September 20 and about 400 fewer than a week ago, according to the latest reports released Monday morning.

However, keep in mind that the number of tests on holidays is always less than on weekdays. The number of Sunday tests will be published on Monday night.

According to statistics from the Health Ministry, 48 people died from complications from Covid-19 on Sunday, the lowest number since mid-October. Based on further clarification, this number will generally increase.

The number of patients treated in the hospital has dropped to 4,500, of which about 600 are considered serious by doctors. These numbers have also been steadily declining in recent weeks.

The epidemic risk factor in the 100-point table, in which each 20-point band corresponds to certain precautions, is already 57 points for seven days, which corresponds to the third risk band. However, the precautions in force so far correspond to the fourth band. Starting Thursday, lighter precautions will take effect in line with the third lane.

The government has decided to open all stores, restaurants and operate services with certain restrictions. The number of visitors to the stores is limited to 15 square meters per customer. Restaurants can use half their total capacity and the number of people seated at a table is limited to four. However, catering establishments in large shopping centers remain closed and can only dispense food.

The nightly curfew will be lifted and the number of participants allowed for outdoor community activities will increase from the current six to fifty. However, the widespread use of masks will remain valid as of Thursday.

The Czech Republic has a state of emergency until December 12. Industry and Commerce Minister Karel Havlícek said on Sunday that the government will ask parliament to extend the state of emergency until the end of the year.

