Coronavirus: the disease is spreading rapidly around the world


Worldwide, the number of people living with coronavirus rose to 84,543,432, the number of deaths to 1,835,558 and the number of people cured to 47,573,839, according to data Sunday morning from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

The day before, 83,960,358 people were registered, the number of fatalities was 1,827,178 and the number of recoveries was 47,286,643. The infection is present in 191 countries and regions.

Experts say that the number of diagnosed cases does not accurately reflect reality because the number of tests is more or less limited in each country, and the registration criteria also vary.

A disease called Covid-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is U.S It is the one that suffers the most, where 20,427,780 have already been infected and 350,186 have died from the disease.

In India 10,305,788 infected, 149,218 dead and 9,906,387 recovered were registered.

In Brazil 7,716,405 infected, 195,725 dead and 6,893,256 recovered.

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