Coronavirus: the American and Spanish epidemics are calming down, today a new era has begun at home


With extraordinary epidemiological precautions, the school year began on Tuesday in Russia for 17 million students and pupils, including some two million students who dropped out of school and 1.2 million educators, while the number of confirmed coronavirus infections has surpassed the million.

In most educational institutions, after a forced five-month hiatus in Covid-19, only the first graduates and future graduates held an opening ceremony in the open air. At the entrances to school buildings, the body temperature of those who enter is measured with a non-contact thermometer and examined for respiratory diseases. If illness is suspected, students will not be admitted to the classroom.

Contact between classes has been limited, and most lessons are held in a room for a group of students. By scheduling breaks between classes, schools try to avoid the formation of larger groups. The internal surfaces of the study buildings are periodically disinfected and the rooms are ventilated.

Elementary and middle school students are not required to wear personal protective equipment, but regional leadership may require teachers to do so. Educators will be among the first to be able to administer the Covid-19 vaccine on a voluntary basis, and the “post-registration” (third) phase of clinical trials of the vaccine is scheduled to begin over the weekend. The mask and distance are required for students of higher education institutions.

Parents may only enter the school grounds wearing a mask, parent meetings are held online. The restrictive measures are expected to remain in effect until January 1.

In Russia, the number of confirmed Covid-19 infections rose from 4,729 to 1,000,048 last day, according to official figures released Tuesday. On the 17th day of the daily increase does not exceed five thousand people. The rate of spread is 0.5 percent, and 25.6 percent of new cases are asymptomatic.

Russia ranks fourth in the world in terms of the number of detected coronavirus infections, after the United States (6,031,013), Brazil (3,908,272) and India (3,691,166). The number of active cases increased by 1,712 to 167,044 on Tuesday. The number of deaths increased from 123 to 17,299 and the number of recoveries from 6,318 to 815,705. More than 36.9 million laboratory tests have been carried out in the country since the epidemic began and some 204,000 in the last day. More than 211,000 people are under medical surveillance on suspicion of coronavirus infection. (MTI)
