Coronavirus test – Terraza Femina


As announced last week, four national medical educators have embarked on a comprehensive evaluation involving nearly 18,000 people. The purpose of testing on a representative sample is to obtain an accurate picture of the extent of the epidemic and the actual number of people infected with the coronavirus. The studies are being led by Semmelweis University and supported by the Department of Innovation and Technology.

Merkely Béla, Rector of the University of Semmelweis – SE, Head of the Working Group on Clinical Epidemiology, previously announced that those selected by the OSC will participate in tests by invitation, from all over the country. All subjects live in private homes, over 14 years of all ages.

What happens during testing?

Béla Merkely said the screening test is done using a PCR test, which can detect hereditary material from the virus. To do this, respiratory secretions are sampled with a stick, placed in a special tube, and the presence of the virus is detected by genetic testing. In addition to the PCR test, blood is also drawn from test subjects with this confirmatory laboratory test to detect the body’s possible immune response to the virus. In addition to sampling, a questionnaire survey is also carried out.

From May 1 to 14, those who have received prior notification by letter or phone from universities in seven regions of the country are expected. The tests are performed in GP surgeries, outpatient clinics, and screening buses. The rector emphasized that public participation in the tests is voluntary and free, but that those who were asked for a sample have a great responsibility.

Mag Cornelia, the vice president of the OSC explained that the sampling is carried out in 489 settlements. Those selected will be notified on the customer’s portal, by phone and by post. The expert emphasized that it is very important that stakeholders provide comments online or by phone and participate in the study, as this can contribute to the highest possible accuracy of the survey.

The article continues after the recommended one.

National test results are expected to be released in late May. According to their preliminary survey, 70% of the respondents estimate that Béla Merkely will participate in the series of surveys. Thousands are involved in the series of exams: doctors, nurses, assistants, and residents, involving the laboratory backgrounds of the four universities. A list of the settlements participating in the tests. click here to see.

Photos: MTI / Koszticsák Szilárd

The funniest Pál Győrfi memes of recent weeks

It is no coincidence that the sympathetic rescue spokesperson, who provided information on curfew restrictions and rule details, had already made plenty of fun memes that were immediately stored on social media sites and brought a bit of serenity to the daily life.
