Coronavirus: spikes in Europe, Hungary is also concerned about the European epidemic


Another record daily incidence of coronavirus infection in France: 16,096 new cases have been recorded in the last 24 hours, the French ministry said Thursday night. The previous record was Wednesday with more than 13,000 daily cases.

The intensification of the epidemic is also indicated by the fact that the proportion of positive tests is gradually increasing: on Thursday, 6.5 percent of the tests were positive, while a week ago the rate was only 5.4 percent. The Health Ministry also warned that the number of infected treated in the intensive care unit rose to more than a thousand on Thursday, an example not seen since June 8. The hospital is treating 5,932 patients, an increase of 136 in the last 24 hours, 43 new patients on ventilators since Wednesday and the number of deaths increased by 52 to 31,511.

At the peak of the first wave of the epidemic, 30,000 patients were treated at the same time in French hospitals, more than 7,000 of whom were connected to ventilators. The Communication also highlighted that hospital admissions are also growing exponentially and

Covid-19 infection is becoming more prevalent not only among the young but also in the most vulnerable age group, over 65.

Health Minister Olivier Véran announced on Wednesday evening that all restaurants in the southeast of Marseille and the island of Guadeloupe, where the epidemic is most intense, will be completely closed from Friday at midnight until the end of the month, at 10 am in 11 other major cities. must be closed by bars and cafes.

If we do not act, we may find ourselves in a situation similar to spring, which could mean a general quarantine.

Prime Minister Jean Castex said Thursday night on France2’s public service television show. He also confirmed that State support for reduction of working hours due to coronavirus epidemic guaranteed by the government until at least 2021 in difficult workplaces. During the compulsory leave period, the employee receives 84 percent of his net pay from the state. (MTI)
