Coronavirus: Slovak record, prime minister is very upset


The prime minister is disappointed in the people, but stricter rules will take effect from October.

In Slovakia, 522 new infections were found and three patients died. The New Word writes that the number of healers increased from 62 to 4,098. 185 people are being hospitalized on suspicion of Covid-19 infection.

Igor Matovic The prime minister previously announced that due to data deterioration, the situation will have to toughen up. He said he already regretted not supporting the stricter measures proposed by the Pandemic Committee two weeks ago. On your social site you said:

we screw this up.

The prime minister indicated that when he fought for greater austerity, half of those infected were infected, he was confident that people would appreciate more freedom, they would behave sensibly, but he had to be disappointed.

The Pandemic Committee has now proposed the same stricter measures. According to the Parameter, the head of government has announced that there can be 30 people at weddings, 100 people indoors and 200 people outdoors, and mass events where spectators do not sit will be banned from October.

The crisis team has not yet decided to restrict border crossings. The pandemic committee classified almost all of Hungary and Austria in the red category.

Already in Hungary, the situation is almost the same as in Hungary, and quite the same as in Austria, the question is whether the restriction makes sense between regions with the same level of infection.

Matovic doesn’t see much sense in restricting border crossings because there are few new infections that have brought the disease from abroad.

Highlights: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic at the inauguration of the new Danube Bridge in Komárom (Monostori Bridge) on September 17. MTI / Koszticsák Solid
