Coronavirus: risk warning from the medical chamber


Now there is an emergency, a risk. We do not know if this is now a peak that will come down after a while and then strike again in October-November, or due to an exponential development that is already reaching the healthcare system. The party has more possibilities: Gyula Kincses, president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber, told ATV Híradó about the increase in the number of infected.

Photo: MTI Photo / Zoltán Balogh

The large-scale explosion is due to a lack of sense of danger. Now the virus does not affect the elderly, but the young – said Gyula Kincses.

We understand that in the second wave it is no longer possible to take such strict general measures by the government as in the first, because the economy and people’s livelihood are as important as health, said Gyula Kincses, who said that a second wave it will put greater pressure on the health system.

It is useless to have a ventilator if you don’t have a doctor or assistant next to you, so you need to remodel your healthcare. However, the transformation of health care cannot be stabilized without wages, said the MOK president.

Among other things, the Medical Room requested a thorough preparation of healthcare in a letter sent to Ministers Miklós Kásler and Sándor Pintér on Friday at noon. No reply has been received yet.

According to Gyula Kincses, ministers will surely respond, and the experience is that their requests for their epidemiological proposals are rarely echoed.

Regarding the school, Gyula Kincses said that according to international experience, the global closure of schools would not be timely. It can be a source of danger if the young take home the virus, which the elderly can contract as the second phase of the second wave. That is why more hospital capacity will be needed in the future.

The increase in the dynamics of the number of cases is terrifying, their number is not yet remarkably high at the international level, Kincses told ATV Híradó.

There is no slowdown in domestic numbers

The number of infected people identified in Hungary increased by 510 on Saturday and by 495 on Sunday. The number of active infected people is 3805, according to data published on
