Coronavirus: Queen Elizabeth, who also honored a Hungarian doctor


The list of those who arrived before 2021 in II. Elizabeth wanted to elevate her to the rank of members of the Knights, in recognition of her merits. The list also contains Hungarian names in four full-page lists: Tamás Szakmány, a professor of medicine living in Wales, became a member of the British Imperial Order, InfoRádió reported.

In recent weeks, proposals have been made to change the name of the British Imperial Order, as Britain no longer has a colonial empire. But a tradition in England is difficult to change. Members can write the letters MBE after their names, indicating that they have been awarded, the Inforadio London correspondent reported on the Hungarian news.

Tamás Szakmány Érden graduated from Vörösmarty High School, then, after graduating from the University of Pécs medical school, he became an anesthesiologist. In 2004, she went to England to gain experience, worked in Liverpool and learned that layoffs were planned at the university clinic in Pécs, so she decided to stay out. Five years ago, he became a physician and then head of the seriously ill ward at Gwent Hospital in Wales. Soon Cardiff University also reclaimed his expertise, inviting him to become a professor.

Anesthesiologists played an extremely important role in the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, with Professor Szakmány becoming the Welsh Coordinator for Hospital Care for Critically Ill patients. The queen recognized her effective work when she became a member of the Imperial Order on her merits – read on
