Coronavirus: quarantine rules change from Monday


The government decree on travel restrictions during the epidemiological preparation period is being modified. Starting Monday, the government will reduce the quarantine obligation from 14 to 10 days.

An amendment to the government decree on travel restrictions was published on Friday, according to which the quarantine period designated by the national or epidemiological authority for Hungarian citizens entering Hungary from countries classified as areas of risk of infection and for foreign citizens It will be reduced from 14 days to 10 days. if they are not suspected of being infected.

However, the rules for exemption from quarantine remain unchanged.

Incidentally, at their meeting on September 4, the health ministers of the European Union member states agreed that the 14-day quarantine obligation that generally applies to returnees from regions and countries with higher risk of infection should be reduced. to 10 days. This is already used by several EU Member States. recalls, however, that according to the calculations of the German Robert Koch Institute of Public Health at the time, the disease control system does not filter two out of 100 infections in the case of a 14-day quarantine obligation for asymptomatic returnees from high-risk areas.

Another amendment was launched on Friday.

Among the changes released on Friday are, among other things, the fact that the cost-effective PCR test will be officially priced from Monday, no healthcare provider or laboratory can request more than 19,500 HUF for it. You only have to pay if you take a test at your own discretion, or if you want to be released from official quarantine at home with two negative PCR tests when you return home from abroad.

Official prices have already taken effect. As wrote earlier, a day after the introduction of official prices, several private healthcare providers, who have so far committed to carrying out PCR tests, canceled their service after the established level of HUF 19,500 means a zero balance job or surcharge for most labs. . However, because of this, private clinics were in a difficult position because they paid more to analyze samples. The only winner could be the National Center for Public Health (NNK) because it has gained enormous testing capacity through private laboratories.

Meanwhile, a representative poll conducted by Pulzus Kutató at the request of revealed that two-thirds of Hungarians do not agree with the official sale of PCR tests: according to the majority, this is far from sufficient, almost two-thirds of the population want a free trial.
