Coronavirus: Pfizer promises an effective and safe vaccine in a few weeks


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In an interview with CNBC, Bourla said that the vaccine experiments are successful and are now spreading to groups that are said to be vulnerable, namely the elderly or people with chronic diseases.

According to the expert, the vaccine is scheduled for the end of October. He stressed that it will be effective and safe.

Pfizer is working with German drugmaker BioNTech on the vaccine. The company announced on Saturday that it will expand its clinical trials and, instead of the 30,000 people above, will conduct trials on 44,000 people.

Meanwhile, also on Monday, Indianapolis-based Ely Lilly announced that one of its drugs used for an immune disease called rheumatoid arthritis is suitable for shortening the recovery time of patients treated with the coronavirus. In its announcement, the pharmaceutical company reported that in its experiments with more than a thousand patients, patients treated with the drug they marketed had a recovery time one day shorter than those treated with remdesivir. Ely Lilly has announced that she will contact the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to authorize the product in question for Covid-19.

In the United States, three drug companies are conducting vaccine trials that experts have deemed worthy, and the administration of President Donald Trump has invested billions of dollars in research.

However, according to a poll published in Monday’s edition of The New York Times, the American public is increasingly skeptical about the reliability of the expected vaccines. Last week, nearly two-thirds of Americans – 62 percent – were concerned that the FDA would approve a vaccine too quickly without being shown to be effective and safe, according to an analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation, the insurance institution. from the Kaiser Permanente Health Insurance Institute, last week.

Cover image source: MTI / Diego Azubel
