Coronavirus: Now on Wednesday the government is discussing the issue of relaxation in Budapest and Pest counties


The official coronavirus information page published detailed information on the number of deaths in the nursing home before the prospectus. Cecília Müller also spoke about this at the press conference: according to this The number of people who have died in nursing homes has just reached round 100. This means that about one in four deceased residents of a nursing home.

Of the 100 deceased, 74 died in a nursing home in Budapest, 65 of them in a nursing home maintained by the Budapest Municipality and 26 in a rural nursing home. The most infected nursing home is the Pesti út nursing home, where the death toll has already been 42 and coronavirus infection has been confirmed in 305 residents.

Coronavirus infection has been confirmed in a total of 32 nursing homes in the country so farIn 12 Budapest and 20 rural institutions. According to today’s data, a total of 773 nursing home residents and 128 workers have been diagnosed with the coronavirus, 100 elderly people cared for by the deceased, and 118 have already recovered.

The infection appeared in 12 nursing homes in the capital., of which 7 nursing homes are maintained by the Metropolitan Municipality, the rest are civil or ecclesiastical. In the nursing homes in Budapest, 471 people are cared for and infected, 404 of them live in nursing homes in the capital. Most of the deceased and infected caregivers are still in the Pesti út nursing home. There are 42 deaths, 305 infected caregivers, and 26 infected workers. In the Vilmos Vázsonyi Home for the Elderly, also in the capital, 18 people died, 55 infected caregivers and 20 infected workers. On the way to Kamarerdei, a home maintained in the capital, 4 people died, 41 infected caregivers and 12 infected workers. In Olajág homes in Zugló, also with more than a thousand beds, 9 people died, 51 infected caregivers and 14 infected workers.

In the field, the virus appeared in 20 nursing homes., but only 9 institutions have died, a total of 26 people. In rural nursing homes, 302 cared for and 51 workers have so far been infected. Most of the deceased (6 people) are in the rural home of Mezőszilas, 5 people in the Seregélyes institutions and 4 people in the Borsodnádasd institutions.
