Coronavirus: new rules decided in Germany


The escalation of the coronavirus epidemic in Germany must be stopped without further national closures, so the focus of defense should be placed on the regional and local level, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Berlin on Tuesday after her talks with heads of provincial government.

The most important thing is to keep the economy, the education system and childcare facilities running smoothly. Therefore, all outbreaks must be eradicated selectively, using the means best suited to local conditions. The “hardest part” of the epidemic is just beginning, because in the autumn-winter months, the main stage of life is not outdoors, but indoors, where the virus spreads more easily, so the alarming increase in the number of infections may continue, Merkel said.

Therefore, in addition to the existing infection hygiene rules (wearing face masks, keeping away, frequent and thorough hand washing, and using a contact-tracking smartphone app), ventilation should also be taken “very seriously. “said the German chancellor.

A series of new rules and recommendations were decided at a meeting of the Permanent Conciliation Forum of Provincial Heads of Government – the so-called Prime Ministers Conference (MPC) – and the Chancellor. Their starting point is that the new type of coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) spreads more when people congregate and stay together for an extended period of time.

  • According to a new rule, if the number of infected people per 100,000 registered inhabitants in the given administrative unit (district, city) in the given administrative unit exceeds 35, a maximum of 50 people can stay together in a public place or private event held in a rented room.
  • In the case of events organized in residential buildings, the legislation on the protection of privacy and private property does not introduce a regulation, but does issue an “emphatic recommendation” that a maximum of 25 people should gather.
  • If the epidemic intensifies even more and the number of infected per 100,000 inhabitants registered in seven days exceeds 50, the maximum number of participants in events, celebrations and meetings should be limited to 25 instead of 50 in public places and 10 in 25 place in private homes.

The provinces can make stricter provisions than these, but not more permissive. The same applies to the new rule of a fine of at least € 50 for providing false information during an epidemiological search at a restaurant. In this regard, the mayor of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher, head of the metropolitan provincial government and vice president of the MPK, said that an outbreak had occurred in a Hamburg bar, so all guests had to be contacted to break the chain of infection , but more than half of the approximately 600 record sheets. it contained false information, which made finding contacts very difficult.

It has been decided, among other things, that in case of an increased risk of infection, the supply of beverages can be restricted in restaurants in a certain area.

A decision will be made in mid-October to redesign the testing strategy and renew the quarantine rules. Angela Merkel said in this regard that there is an intense debate about reducing the 14-day quarantine obligation for returnees from high-risk areas. Epidemiology experts warn that, while quarantined for 14 days, on average, 3 out of 100 infections are infected by viruses, because in about 3 percent of cases the first symptoms appear only after the second week after infection, instead of 14 for just 10 days. up to 7 or 8 out of 100 infections can remain hidden in quarantine. Therefore, a “political decision” must be made on the matter, the magnitude of the risk to be taken must be considered.

On the question, the chancellor confirmed a press release that he had warned at a meeting on Monday that, based on current trends, the daily number of recorded infections could rise to 19,200 this year. As you said, this is the result of a simple model calculation that assumes that the daily peak of new test-confirmed infections has increased from around 300 in June to around 2,400, that is, it has tripled in three months, and yes the process is not slowing down, this number could triple at Christmas, to 19,200.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder, MPK Chairman-in-Office, stressed, among other things, that one of the priorities set jointly by the 16 provincial governments and the federal government was to keep the borders open even as the epidemic escalated.

According to data from the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health (RKI) reported Tuesday, 2,089 new SARS-Cov-2 infections have been recorded in the past 24 hours, bringing the number of test-confirmed cases to 287,421. The epidemic has three new deaths, bringing their number to 9,460. The number of deaths associated with the disease caused by the virus (Covid-19) increased from 11 to 9,471.
