Coronavirus: New data with a completely different picture emerged about the presence of the British variant in Hungary


Official reports so far have referred to a negligible number of British variants, compared to today’s announcement from Neumann Lab, which appears to be the first solid evidence that the spread of a more infectious version of the coronavirus is responsible for accelerating the spread of the virus. Hungarian epidemic. It is true that this could be inferred from the latest official statements, however, they did not include data, and the previous ones even suggested a sporadic presence. Cecília Müller, the national chief medical officer, stated over the weekend that the British mutant had been identified in 69 cases in Hungary so far, and that 35 suspected cases were still being investigated. However, based on this, he stated that the British variant is responsible for the deterioration of the epidemiological situation.

According to Neumann Labs, recent diagnostic laboratory tests for coronavirus show that the National Center for Public Health attributes the stagnation and deterioration of the epidemic curve to the British mutant in recent days, as half of the company’s recent tests already they have done. They showed a variant in the infected Hungarian.

“Recently, several mutations in the coronavirus have begun to spread around the world, which may also rewrite the current scenario of control of the epidemic. That is why it can be crucial to have information on which variant of coronavirus patients has been infected. All samples in which a strong infection is found are examined for the presence of the British variant or a somewhat similar so-called European variant, or the South African / Brazilian variant. No South African / Brazilian variant has been found in the samples examined so far. The variant test is sent to patients within 24 hours of the primary / negative PCR result, ”said Miklós Nyíri, managing director of Neumann Labs.

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