Coronavirus: Needs a place in hospitals, patients who have not fully recovered can be sent home


The National Center for Public Health updated the care protocol for patients with coronavirus as of November 7. According to this, it will be possible to send Covid patients who have not yet fully recovered from the hospital, and asymptomatic doctors and nurses will have a rapid test to return to service instead of 2 negative PCR tests, according to a document in Telex power.

Photo: MTI Photo / Zoltán Balogh

All this was necessary to have more free beds and more qualified personnel to attend to the growing number of patients, the portal writes.

Although according to the strict protocol at the beginning of the epidemic, coronavirus patients could leave the hospital if they produced two negative PCR tests in 48 hours or had to go to home quarantine if before, now, they were infected and hospitalized patients. due to the rapid increase in the number of people. Although the new procedure is not yet on the side of the NNK, hospital directors have received it, the portal wrote.

Consequently, a coronavirus patient can be discharged if they have recovered (asymptomatic) or had a fever for at least 3 days, their respiratory symptoms have disappeared or are clearly improving, and the radiological picture shows a clear improvement in pneumonia. or no abnormal abnormality. If repatriation occurs within 10 days of symptom onset, the patient must remain in home quarantine until day 10. A patient who tests negative on a rapid antigen test may also be discharged. Anyone returning to a social home must also meet the clinical conditions for dismissal and need a negative rapid test.

Health workers who tested positive also needed 2 negative PCR tests to return to work; otherwise, they were only able to return to work after 21 days, compared to 10 days.

Under the new procedure, a Covid-positive healthcare worker can return to work if they are clinically cured or have an asymptomatic Covid-19 infection and a negative rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen test result. Sampling should not be done before day 7 after the onset of clinical symptoms. Without testing, you can still return to work 21 days after symptoms or infection are detected.
